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What time of day to collect eggs?

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Question in the title really! Was just wondering when you collect your eggs, I'm just worried that if they lay after I have gone to work (about 9am) then it could be about 6pm before I check the eglu again - surely this gives them time to get crushed/pecked etc.


So I was just wondering how people who work go on?





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Steve, that wears off after a while... trust me!


I used to be out checking every hour or so when my girls first arrived... now I am FAR more restrained!!! (still get quite excited when they lay an odd shaped one, or a particularly large one!)



Debbie - I wouldn't worry unless you get an egg-eater, or your chooks are prone to going broody. 3-4 of my girls lay before I wake up, but the last 1-2 can leave it until mid-afternoon if they are feeling lazy!


I always collect all my eggs together at the end of the day, usually about 6pm, when I get home from work.


I have even left it 2 days before now - I remember going down and almost laying an egg myself when I found 10 eggs in the box!!!

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at the moment, most of mine have laid by 11am. but that changes (something to do with it taking up to 25 hours for the egg to develop?) so I do a mid-morning check, and if they've not all done the deed (only 3 layers at the mo) I check again mid-afternoon. this is because I work from home, and also because I have a sussex who goes broody at the drop of a hat. not had an egg-eater - so far...

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At the moment, as I am on holiday, I work in a school, as soon as one of the girls come out of the eglu I go out to see if there is an egg but when I am at work I check as soon as I get home.


Beech Chick it is interesting that you say your Sussex goes broody at the drop of a hat, we have a Merrydale Sussex who spends most of her time being half broody, sitting on others eggs and making a real noise if you go near her but she does still lay most days.



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I collect mine after work (Apart from Mabel's early morning offering) which is on average 5pm. Not quite sure how this is going to pan out in winter when it's dark when i get up and dark when i come home. One of my girls sleeps in the nest box and I'll feel so mean rifling through her knickers for the eggs when she's trying to get some kip.

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