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Thanks for all the compliments :)


cluckbok - I was told by the farmer who sold Liza to me that she is a Legbar crossed with another breed and I can't remember what he said the other breed was. It was nothing I've heard of before. However, having seen her in photos, a few Omletters have asked if she is a Columbine. Since the farmer didn't seem very sure of himself (his wife usually deals with their chickens) I'm inclined to believe that maybe she is a Columbine....


Chickvic - By taking a lot of photos- I always get some blurry ones! I also try zooming in from afar so as not to disturb them. Also, I spend a bit of time trying to learn their movements (e.g. when foraging) so that I manage to shoot at just the right moment. At first the girls didn't know what to make of the camera- one of them ran away from it, another ran straight for it and tried to peck it, so I had to wait until they were used to it before the fun began...

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