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One REALLY loud chicken ...

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Oh dear, some of them are just really noisy aren't they? My Rosie is like that - she announces her own eggs and eveyone elses. Not normally a problem, but she doesn't bok or cluck, she screeches. It's a horrible sound - like nails on a blackboard. Luckily the neighbours aren't too bothered by her, but she winds me up. Trouble is, she is also the one who most likes a cuddle :lol:

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Thank your lucky stars you have'nt got a goose :lol:

Ollie My Gander Screams When I let him out first thing in the morning :shock:

He gets all excited and runs round in circles screaming like a Banshee :oops:

I have discovered that if I just unlock the shed door and leave him to nudge it open, it takes the edge off his excitment and he is a little less excited when he gets out, but even so he still makes a lot of noise.

I am lucky in that my immediate neighbours love him and talk to him over the fence.

He never fusses to be let out , and is perfectly quiet all day long, it's just that first taste of frreedom in the morning that sets him off :D

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Buffy, my brahma constantly shouts. We call her permanently pre-menstrual! She sounds more like a goose than a hen.


The poor neighbours were showing prospective buyers round this afternoon. I think Buffy might have put them off!


Better take some eggs round tomorrow....or just lay low for a while.

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If all 4 of my chooks start up for no reason (ie. not egg announcement or alarm call) and it is an unreasonable time (say Sun am)


We have the same problem, they will just randomly start shouting and not shut up! Occasionally if I open the back door it will shut them up for a bit because they think they are being brought food, otherwise it just doesnt work! :doh:

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My Cuckoo Silkie, Muggle (the one in my avatar) is also very noisy. She announces when she has laid an egg, when she wants to lay an egg but someone else is in the nest box, when one of the others has laid an egg and she wants to make sure I know.......


She's a pest. But very adorable. I try not to go out to her straight away when she is noisy, as I believe this will encourage her to be worse. She will shut up (eventually) if I ignore her racket. The best way to discourage unwanted beaviours is to not respond to her "emotional blackmail". Chickens really are little madams, aren't they? :lol:

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