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eggs-still waiting.....and waiting......waiting abit longer

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It may be the time of year. A lot of girls are starting to ease up now and some stop and don't start agin til spring. If birds that are already laying are doing this some of these new girls may not start til spring now either.


I got 2 eggs today for the first time in a fortnight. The Ironman resorted to buying some last night.

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This forum is such a relief!!! We got our ladies at the end of August and I've worked out today they must be about 24 weeks and no sign of an egg. Do bantams take longer to lay?? I'm told that they usually stop laying just before Christmas and start again in the spring, but if they don't start soon my OH has threatened we'll never know as we'll be having the freeloaders for Christmas lunch :shock: (I think he's joking?? :pray: )


Hopefully this means we're not doing anything wrong though if all you good people are having grief too. My ladies get layers pellets and then a tiny amount of corn at teatime each day. They are on grass with some woodchip and sometimes eat stuff they shouldn't when free-ranging (strawberries, blackberries, rhubarb leaves, deadly nightshade!! :doh: )

But they only really get to free range for an hour or so once a week whilst I'm taking the eglu apart & scrubbing etc.

They've been treated with diatomaceous earth etc and Verm-X (or whatever it's called)


I shall just have to be patient......... :|

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I'm still waiting too..my girls are 20 weeks and 19 weeks.....everyone in the family asks about eggs...every day, but I guess we'll just have to wait...


its a shame I couldnt have got slightly older birds...they were advertised at being 19 weeks...but when we got there were 14 and 13 weeks...


...still we've seen them grow, and Henrietta had a beatutiful song tune she sang as she was still a chick....lovely.. :-)

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I have an egg!!!!!!!!!!!


After waiting for sssooooooooo long!!


Took me by surprise as i was so used to having a quick look and not really bothering after doing it for so long and then wow!

Its perfect and small. I looked around the garden for somebody to tell but I was in on my own so I told the chooks instead, oh and texted alot of friends my news!!


Charliechick xx

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