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More Babies!

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Not only did our (green eglu) arrive a day early and we managed to collect our GNRPP(Bluebelle) last nignt! When my DD went to bed her Molly's (tropical fish) had also had babies (10 of them!) She was up until 1am catching them and putting them in a nursery net so that the adult fish did not eat them.


The chickens settled in well last night and are now exploring their run. I keep popping out to talk to them :lol: and they seem quite happy. They make the most funny noises at times - really cute! They have found their food and grit but I haven't seen them drink yet! I am sure they will find it when they are thirsty :?:?::anxious:


DS stayed at his friends last night so haven't posted any photos yet but will on his return.


Watch this space! :lol:

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Congratulations Lisa. We've had our chickens a week now and I was really worried that they weren't drinking out of the glug. Caved in after about an hour and put a dish of water in then spent the next three days tapping the glug with a stick saying "look up at where it's coming from, not down where it lands!" They finally go the hang of it and are drinking happily from the glug now. I bet they would have found it on their own anyway. :doh:

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