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Guest Poet

ch, ch, ch, changes......... :0)

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thanks everyone. Unfortunately we've just discovered red mite in the coop (I've just posted a thread about it actually) so I have ordered a blue cube plus the 2m run on line just now which will go where the existing coop and small run are now.


So, it's changing again.


I hope they send it soon! :?

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That's such a shame, after all your hard work. :(

Are you able to keep the big run to use with the cube?


I know, I love the way it looks now but the chickens health comes first. The cube and the 2m will butt up against the large run, DH will sort all that out. Us girls would be lost without him ;)

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Your set up looks great, Poet. Just think how wonderful it will look with the blue cube. Those herb pots will match brilliantly.


thanks Janty, don't forget the garden furniture too ;):lol:


I hope to god we've caught this infestation early on as lottie has enough to deal with at the moment :(


we've decided, once the cube comes, we'll use the wooden coop and small run to house 3 POL pure breeds. We're going to 'Garden Poultry' when we're ready. Adele has already told me she has a waiting list for the ex batts and, as we only have Maud who is still laying, it will be good to have some layers again.

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How long before your Cube arrives?


don't know yet, it says they phone you to arrange a convenient delivery time but it doesn't give an idea of how long.

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That's such a shame, after all your hard work. :(

Are you able to keep the big run to use with the cube?


I know, I love the way it looks now but the chickens health comes first. The cube and the 2m will butt up against the large run, DH will sort all that out. Us girls would be lost without him ;)


Ian sounds like the ideal chickeny husband :D

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just a word of advice Poet, if you're getting pure breeds and want eggs - I suggest you dont get cochins!! (our 2 free loaders have been broody on and off since March :roll: )




I agree about the cochins as my blue cochin gets broody easily. However, my splash cochin has given us an egg a day for the last seven or eight days and she has rarely missed a day all summer. We look forward to Scary Spice's dotty eggs.

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just a word of advice Poet, if you're getting pure breeds and want eggs - I suggest you dont get cochins!! (our 2 free loaders have been broody on and off since March :roll: )




I agree about the cochins as my blue cochin gets broody easily. However, my splash cochin has given us an egg a day for the last seven or eight days and she has rarely missed a day all summer. We look forward to Scary Spice's dotty eggs.


Well your splash is a good girl isnt she :D !! I have a splash and a white one and both are as bad as each other, either broody at the same time or one will come out of being broody and the other one will go broody when the other one isnt! :roll: I think we've had about 2/3 eggs from either hen in total since March. :boohoo:

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what would you recommend then? We'd like something that will get on well with our girls, not prone to being broody and have a nice temperament.


I'm not bothered what they look like or what colour the eggs are but would like something that will give us eggs for a number of years if poss, which is why I thought of a pure breed.


If you think a hybrid would be better, what would you recommend?

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That looks great. can I ask what you have as floor covering??

We`re just finishing a run for ours and are currently on grass but I want to put them on something which is easier to clean but am at a loss....


sorry Joanne, almost forgot, it's aubiose- brilliant stuff for soaking up poops and composts really well. Available at most agricultural merchants and some pet shops can order it for you.

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just a word of advice Poet, if you're getting pure breeds and want eggs - I suggest you dont get cochins!! (our 2 free loaders have been broody on and off since March :roll: )




I agree about the cochins as my blue cochin gets broody easily. However, my splash cochin has given us an egg a day for the last seven or eight days and she has rarely missed a day all summer. We look forward to Scary Spice's dotty eggs.


Well your splash is a good girl isnt she :D !! I have a splash and a white one and both are as bad as each other, either broody at the same time or one will come out of being broody and the other one will go broody when the other one isnt! :roll: I think we've had about 2/3 eggs from either hen in total since March. :boohoo:



Chelsea, you and I have had the same problem - except mine are Brahmas! :roll:


I've had 4 broody at the same time, since then they have taken turns and made sure there have always been at least two in the nesting box. :twisted:


It takes them 10 - 14 days to come back into lay - I barely get an egg before they are broody again!


Two of them in particular are lovely, sweet chooks though. :D


Poet, I would consider a selection, maybe two hybids and a pure breed :think:

My Cream Legbar (blue egg layer) lays on average 6 a week, and the Speckledy's have been daily since they started, one of them Dolly, is always at my feet pecking my toes, demanding attention. :roll:


Also, the pure breeds tend to slow in egg production in the winter....


Oohhh, the choices.. :think::lol:

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sorry Joanne, almost forgot, it's aubiose- brilliant stuff for soaking up poops and composts really well. Available at most agricultural merchants and some pet shops can order it for you.


Thought it looked like aubiose. Sorry to go on but is it on bare ground or paving slabs? Your run really looks the biz!! :clap:


And good luck with your choice of chooks

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no problem and thank you :D, it's on bare soil so DH digs it all out about once a month, digs garden lime into the soil, sprinkles stalosan f about and then puts fresh aubiose back on top.

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