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New iPods out now

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Oh dear. I saw this post last night, went and read about the new Ipods and though "so what - they are still overpriced - you pay for "cool" factor with I products NOT always functions (well not with the IPhone anyway!).


I thought I could manage with my Tevion Ipod copy - lousy interface but MUCH BETTER plug and play, no special leads or chargers ets (I charge it in the car using my satnav charger).









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I do like the new colours but must admit that I love the shape of my older squarer nano so much more.

I think the only draw for me to the newer one would be the increased size.


Im not a fan of the i-pod touch - :oops: sorry!

Its just too big and chunky - I like something I can just slip in my pocket and forget its there other than the music coming from it!

The only think I keep on mine is music and some photos anyway and I'd never be one to watch videos/films on it so I really couldn't justify spending that much money!



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How can an ipod have a massive screen great for watching movies? Surely the whole idea is for them to be small and portable :? I have tv and stuff on my ipod and its rubbish trying to watch anything on a screen that small - surely its no bigger than the iphone and I wouldn't even want to watch anything on that!

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yeah they have a "massive" screen.


Its as useful as an Iphone I guess - still waiting for that N96 here - I don't want second best for a "cool" gadget that does less than my 18 month old N95!


As for watching movies - thats what I bought a 42" telly for - oh no I'm just kidding. I don't watch movies! But Neighbours looks better on my telly than any Iphone or Ipod!

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