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Near miss - Chicken v Dog

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About an hour ago one of my neighbours knocked on the door - 'One of your chickens has got out' :roll:


It turned out as she was walking back into our cul-de-sac from walking the dogs, one of the dogs, a choc lab (lovely but mad as anything) spotted Dolly, my Speckledy.


She chased Dolly into next doors garden, my neighbour followed and called the dog off and she saw Dolly dissappear into the corner of an overgrown patch.


She came to get me, and as we walked into my neighbours garden we saw this huge pile of feathers.....we couldn't find her and it was possible she had found her way into the field on the other side... :(


I went to get my husband and we set off for the field, called her and nothing... finally after stamping all the blooming nettles down (hands and feet stung to bits) we spotted her in the corner, still in my neighbour's garden. Hubby went back and I pushed her away from the corner - she then set off on a game of chase around the garden. :roll:


Caught her, and when you part the feathers on the top of her body there is a huge clump missing and a bit of skin s"Ooops, word censored!"ped away. I sprayed it with Gentian Violet, covered it back over with her other feathers, put her down and she was pecking for the corn we threw down for her and the other chooks.


She has now retreated to the nesting box to sit with my broody, I've given her some Rescue Remedy and I think I'm going to leave her a while, my broody is a very gentle broody so she is very 'safe' with her.....


Off for a large glass of the vino now.....


I also have no idea how she got out, me thinks she definately needs a wing clipping. :roll:

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Well, this morning she was the first at the door of the run as usual and she's been active all day. :D


She is normally right at my feet though and today she hasn't let me catch her. :roll: I've left her today hoping the Gentian Violet will have done it's stuff...


If anything the upset will have upset her laying routine as she had laid an egg when we found her..Bless :D

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