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Is it the time of year for chest infections?

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The only thing I know is to make sure the chooks have adequate ventilation in the house (which I'm sure the eglu does have) and to make sure shavings/straw etc is changed regularly so that damp doesn't build up there (and that its dry to start with obviously).

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One of my girls has a cold at the moment and sounds a bit bunged up at the moment.


A hen with a cold will sound like she has a snotty nose; as Christian has said, Citricidal is great for this, I also add more garlic granules to their feed at this time. Keep an eye on any hen that sounds snotty, pick them up and listen to their back - if you hear them bubbling and wheezing (rather than just a snotty nose) then take them to the vet as they will probably have a chest infection. One of mine developed Mycoplasma last winter and was on antibiotics; Mycoplasma can affect the way that they lay eggs - that hen has laid torpedo eggs ever since!

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