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chemical free airfreshner

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I hate chemical airfreshners, especially those plug in ones - and they hate me too, causing asthma symptoms. I love the smell of herbal teas, but have never found one I like drinking. In my attempts to find one I like I have accumulated lots of herbal teabags that were past their "use by" date. It seemed a shame to chuck them out, and I love the way they smell, so........I solved my problem of finding a "airways friendly" air freshner...I just pop a tea-bag in a little glass candle holder, with some boiling water to release the sent, and sit it on the window sill - fantastic fresh smells, with none of the chemicals!

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Plug-ins give me terrible headaches :( - and I don't like most herbal tea smells either :?


I use cloves with a few drops of a natural spicy oil, such as cloves, mandarin or cinnamon, as a pot pourri.


I can also cope with Lush or home-made bath bombs (in a bathroom without a bath :roll: ) and Yankee Candles, usually unlit.

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I use an aromastone its a plug in hot stone which you can put oils on and it releases the scents - its fab and my favourite oil to put in it is cloves, orange and cinnamon - it smells like christmas.


I Also like these sachets and mu favourite is the red apples one and I sit it on the top of the radiators and it releases lovely scents.

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I can't bear any of the chemical air fresheners as they all give me headaches. For nasty niffs, I put out a bowl of bicarbonate of soda and within a short time, the smell has gone. I keep an open pot of bicarb in the fridge too to get rid of smells in there. For a nice fragrance though, I love orange, cinnamon and clove oils in a burner.

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