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Thanks for that! :lol:


OH is completely anal about the clocks - he's just been round the house and changed them all before going to bed. I'll be lucky if my watch gets changed this week, and the car clock could stay unchanged until it's time to go forward again :roll::lol:

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I remembered! I remembered!! Well, I did last night, course I forgot completely this morning so have been up since 6am, kids have already had breakfast, kitchens cleared, animals fed and I was just about thinking about my Freecycle collection at 10am, course that's actually 3 hours away yet..... :roll:

Why do we bother? It achieves nothing as far as I can see, it's the same number of hours of daylight or dark whatever you call it and saying "It's for the farmers", well all the farmers I know (not many admittedly) get up when they need to not depending on what the clock says....


Mrs B

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The cat woke me up at 5.30 ... :roll: well, how is he to know?


I went back to bed for an hour, then got up and so far I've made a pan of Nigella's chocolate brownies, to take into work for my birthday next week; split-pea soup is in the slow cooker, I've done two loads of washing and I'm just about to boil up the apple jelly which I strained last night.


Do I feel smug! :wink: It won't last. And of course, the one thing I haven't done yet is go round the house changing all the clocks and timers!

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Not many for us to change. Clocks on the ovens are always wrong from all the power cuts we have - I keep the microwave switched off at the socket, telly and computers sort themselves out so it's just watches, alarm clock and car. And the alarm clock is not in use for the next week - during which time there is bound to be a power cut so I'll not bother then.


Mum's already forgotton and was rushing around because James and were going to the gym - she just wandered in and nagged me to get James ready and I have another hour before we go :lol:

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