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Sloe Gin

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we must be very lucky then


We've got a sloe tree in the garden!


Is it safe to have anywhere near the laydees or is it only a risk if I leave a bottle of gin lying around! :lol:


I'm not a gin drinker myself (can't stand it) but Joe is and he quite likes Sloe Gin


Guess I'll be making some of this then and may even try some of the fruity Vokda's (now that IS my type of drink) :D:D:D

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I don't like Gin either Andrew so I make Sloe Vodka which is much, much nicer :wink: . The sloes in the garden will taste so bitter that the hens probably won't bother with them and if they do, it won't hurt them as wild birds eat them with no ill effects. The leftover sloes from your sloe gin or vodka can be stoned (very fiddly) and coated in chocolate to make a VERY delicious sweet :wink: .

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I'd given up on finding any sloes this year.... then I found a load today. When I collect daughter from school we always meet on the right hand side of her school gate, and she walks out of school to meet me (I stay in the car- not cool to have your Mum standing outside the car to meet you at 13 :roll: ). Today I needed something from town, and needing exercise I decreed that we'd walk from school to town, not very far at all. Immediately next to the school gate (left hand side) there were a mass of sloes, on the school property but overhanging the fence :shock: . I picked masses.... but she did insist that I waited until every child, teacher, cleaner or caretaker had left, just so that she wouldn't be seen with a mad sloe picking mother :roll::lol::lol::lol:

Sloe gin brewing this weekend then :wink:

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:wink: Great idea ..... just so long as you can remember where you saw the blossom months before the harvest :lol: . I think my "left at the bluebell patch" might leave me a bit puzzled in october :roll::lol: . Still I have managed to spot several more sloe bushes than I thought existed, so may have to double up quantities of gin this year ...... what a shame :wink:
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Ooop! Seeing this reminded me I have some lurking under the stairs that needs decanting, HUZZAH!


Oooh, and another tip that's not been mentioned is pick em after the first frost as it makes the sloes slightly less bitter, and if you just can't wait for the frost shove em in the freezer overnight.

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I remember last year my dad and i got up early to pick sloes in this really nice wood in bourne (called Bourne Woods) it was fun, as we took the dog and had a nice lesiurely walk along, picking sloes, i've never tried sloe gin though, i just enjoyed the walk! :D

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:P Saw a recipe today in a mag for a cocktail with sloe gin.


Pour 250ml sloe gin into cocktail glass, over crushed ice. Top up with chilled bitter lemon. :D


Not too sure what it tastes like - might have to go and find out :wink: .


250ml :shock::shock: :shock: with that much sloe gin I wouldn't remember what it tasted like!

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:P Found the golden sloe bush tonight, while walking the dog and children 8) . Most of the sloes are small, and these were alot bigger, and more to the point READY :!: .


I am going picking and will do what I did last year - ripen in the sun, and then freeze the sloes, before sloshing in the 6 pint milk container, till December. :lol::wink: . My 1st attempt last year was gorgeous using this method - so am repeating before the wild birds get too fat ..... :wink: .


Seriously tho' - for any sloe hunters, check the bushes now - some are bare with just over-ripe rotting fruits. However, some are still a little green. The golden bushes are just right ... :P:lol:8)

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I'm making my sloe gin today. The bushes are heaving with berries and they are all ready. This rotten rainy summer has plumped them up nicely. I picked them a couple a days ago and they've been in the freezer for 2 nights (saves all that pricking) so they should be good to go. I'll let you know how nice it is in a few months ... hic.. :D

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