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Shes just not right: post vet update

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Hi. I wonder if anybody could offer me some advice please. My ex-battery hen Matilda just doesn't seem right. SHes eating and drinking and her poos are okay. Sometimes shes scratching about and running about. But she also spends a fair bit of time just standing. But she's just not herself and shes got her feathers puffed up a lot of the time, and her head in. She's recently had a strong wormer from the vet and antibiotics and she picked up really well. Now she seems to be going downhill again (very slowly). I just dont' know what to do for the best. SHould she go back to the vet? Or should I just do what I can for at home and see what happens. I've just started probiotic yoghort (first dose today). ANything else I could do for her. I think shes loosing weight as well, she weighs 3lbs 13oz. 1st November she weighed 4lb 2 oz (not sure my scales are that reliable though).


THink she stopped laying a few weeks ago. Oh yes, and she often picks up her legs one at a time and clenches them before putting them down, as if shes uncomfortable.


Really worried about her. SHes a great chicken. :cry:


Is it just like this with ex-batts? Only one of our exbatts has stayed in good health since we got her. :cry:

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sorry to hear about Matilda. Its sound like our girls are both acting the same. I haven't tried the pro biotic yoghurt - do you just put it in a dish or do you put it (somehow!) into their mouths? I haven't tried the wormer either as I didn't realise that worms can make them feel that bad.


Hopefully someone will be able to help you - sorry I can't.

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Blue Karin: I mixed the yoghort with pellets and a bit of water, little bit of sweetcorn (just coz they like it!) I put a bowl down for them all to have some and just checked that Matilda was getting a good share.


Eglutine: hi. I've had a good look and feel of her this morning. And I've also been reading a bit about peritonitus. She feels quite thin and boney, but between her legs she feels more plump. I think she is swollen there, but its not hard but soft. She isn't doing a John wayne walk that Ive read about. She is still hunched, but otherwise I wouldnt know anything was wrong. Shes been trucking about, scratching, eating, drinking, playing in a pile of leaves. She did a bit of a watery poo though. Any ideas? Could it be peritonitus and if it is what do I do? :?

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Poor Matilda. One thing you could check is her crop - does it go down completely overnight? If not it could be impacted - in which case it feels hard - or of she's got sour crop, it's large and soft. Two of my ex-batts had this (most likely couldn't digest grass) and were hunched, losing weight, but also had horrible watery poos.


Also you could get some Avipro - a great pick-me-up for a poorly bird. Has vitamins and probiotics.

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Mostin: thanks so much for your message. Its really nice to know you are out there thinking of us.


Jen and Rog; hi, thanks for your advice. Ive checked her crop (forgot to mention that) and it felt empty this morning. I will go and get some avipro today and give her a bit of that.


Thanks guys. Omlet is so great.

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I'm afraid not. I'm afraid she's on her way out :cry: She's fluffs herself up all the time, so she actually looks really big and fat, but I had a good look at her yesterday and shes really bony underneath. She also feels a bit swollen between her legs (but its not hard like peritonitus is meant to be). I also wondered if she's uncomfortable underneath and isn't sitting down and maybe thats why her legs seem to be aching (she picks them up and clenches them one after the other).

I've booked her into the vets for Thursday afternoon. I'm gutted. I'm also gutted because my partner can't come with me and I dont want to be on my own if we lose her. I just want them all to be fit and healthy. :cry:

If I put my positive head on though........ she still has times of running around, eating, shouting (she has always been very vocal) and generally being chickeney :)


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I have an ex-batt who was doing just the same for a while; standing looking miserable and all hunched up etc and she has had two visits to the vet and two lots of antibiotics and is now much better...most of the time. She still has periods when she puffs herself out and stands under a hedge, eyes closed, looking unwell - the she'll suddenly perk up and be ok again.

She is still with me so I do hope your little Matilda pulls through.


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Hi guys, thanks so so much for being there with me. She's a funny little girl. She's clearly not well, loosing weight and hunched, but shes got an appetite and she is still 'talking' to me each morning and trucking about the garden.

We will have to see what the vet says. Hopefully :pray: she will have some more antibiotics and pull through :pray:

OH is on emergency call out at work today, so hopefully should be home by 5pm. Like you guys, I know she will be with me in spirit.


Send me and Matilda good vibes at 2.30pm.

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Hi guys. Thank you all so much for being with me over the last few days. :D Good news. Matilda is back in the coop with her buddies :D:D:D THe vet thinks she has coccidia / coxidia (not sure how to spell it). I dont know anything about it, I'm going to look it up in a minute, but I wanted to update you all first.

The vet said that she looks in better condition than when she saw her a few months ago and that she actually weighs more than she did then so thats good news. She has had 2 injections - one of steroid to help her fight the illness and one vitamin injection. They are all on baycox (they've had a dose tonight and will have a 2nd dose tomorow night) then they are all going on a course of antibiotics just in case. Then Ive got some stuff for their water thats full of vitamins, minerals and such goodies. I'm so :D my vet is so good :clap: She had no idea about the leg thingy though, unless she its just because she feels uncomfortable 'down there'.

Thank you all for supporting me so brilliantly :clap:

Shes going to be okay, I can just tell. Typically she has seemed her perkiest in ages today. I am the :D chicken mummy tonight.

Thank you omleteers. :clap::D:clap::D

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