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What is the world coming to?

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I have just seen an item on the local news and struggled to believe what i was hearing. :evil:


2 people who owned a large number of cows were both sent to prison. Since their incarceration no one has been looking after the cows and thus they have been left to starve!


The government are apparently not allowed to feed the cows but have been going in to shoot the poorly ones - this they are allowed to do!

30 of the once 90 strong herd are now left. :cry:


As the cows belong to the people in prison it is still their responsibility to care for them or get someone to care for them while they cant.


I cannot get my breath that people will stand back and watch animals starve to death and say there is nothing they can do!! :evil:



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That is nonsense the police can step in under the protection of animals act 1911 (1912 in Scotland) in fact an RSPCA inspector has to have a policeman present when they remove an animal as well :evil:


On my way to dig out appropriate peice of legislation :roll:

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I called 0870 3335 999 RSPCA and they have had a lot of calls and are investigating what they can do and she has taken my number and is going to call me back with what is happening, volume of calls will be important I am guessing.


Anyone else want to let them know and show the strength of feeling please call aboe number.



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Why would a couple imprisoned for breach of welfare bother to make sure the cows were looked after :roll::roll::evil: , daft comment by the chap at the start of the piece. Huge error of judgement here and lack of communication :twisted: . I also hope that this couple are banned from keeping any animlas after this...I will follow this up with the RSPCA.



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