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Extension or converter?

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My girls are pretty much out all day in the garden, but from Sept I might have to leave them alone in the run for a few mornings each week. I don't have room for the run extention and a converter, so can I order just one? And which one? I've read the description, but I'm still no wiser.


Of course, this wouldn't have been a problem if I'd stuck with the first two, they were quite happy being left in the basic run, but with the extra two I'd like to give them a bit more space.

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Thanks guys, CONVERTER now ordered! At least I might be able to leave the house soon without having to leave June and Audrey in my kitchen and Mini & Emmy in the run! To think, the first summer we had them I used to leave J & A out in the garden while I popped to the local shop etc,


Couldn't do that now. We haven't got a major Fox problem, but every now and then we get a visit. Haven't seen one for months & then last night at around 8pm one scrambled over the fence and on to the roof of our garden shed. Luckily Os was at the back & chased it off. The girls were in the garden, but they didn't see it and Os thinks it didn't see them!


I'm constantly torn by the wish to keep them safe (confined to the run) and happy ( having the freedom of the whole garden)

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Have you tried putting those sharp plastic strips on the top of the fence?


We have considered what would work here. Our garden in 40ft long by 20ft wide with 6ft fences. The houses are new(2001-2002) and a few people are a bit precious about their fences We might be able to put something up on the back fence as Os owns the house directly behind us, but to either side are shared fences and both property owners might think it odd. Actually we had been thinking of putting a large trellis on the back to give the tenants (and ourselves) to make it more private. We initially bought the 2nd property to house Os's elderly mother, but for various reasons this didn't quite work out.


To be honest, we are thinking of trying another go at selling, we had a half harted attempt last year. But once I've decorated the place it'll be ready for the market. Once we've moved (bigger hse & gdn, but less central, so a sideways move) I'm going to look into getting an electric fence and giving the girls a bigger space.

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