mostin Posted March 6, 2009 Share Posted March 6, 2009 I have just written to both , lets hope we annoy the pants off them and something gets done and they see sense and let that poor couple keep their 2 ckickens . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 6, 2009 Share Posted March 6, 2009 well, I've mailed the chronicle saying... Regarding the elderly couple in Gateshead who are under threat of eviction by Gateshead Housing just for keeping 2 chickens! Myself and several other chicken owners in various parts of the country are getting together via an on-line chicken forum to lobby the couple's MP, Dave Anderson and also Gateshead housing as we think it's an absolute disgrace that these 2 old people are to be turfed out of their home. They should be appluaded for what they're doing as regards self sufficiency rather than hounded by petty bureaucrats at their time of life! See this thread on the aforementioned chicken forum viewtopic.php?f=7&t=40530&st=0&sk=t&sd=a we call ourselves 'The Omleteers' and we fully support this couple and want to make it known that we stand united in our love for the wonderful and rewarding hobby of keeping chickens and that we will do what we can to help Elizabeth and Ronald Lewis. We're hoping you would like to give this story your backing. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mostin Posted March 6, 2009 Share Posted March 6, 2009 well, I've mailed the chronicle saying... Regarding the elderly couple in Gateshead who are under threat of eviction by Gateshead Housing just for keeping 2 chickens! Myself and several other chicken owners in various parts of the country are getting together via an on-line chicken forum to lobby the couple's MP, Dave Anderson and also Gateshead housing as we think it's an absolute disgrace that these 2 old people are to be turfed out of their home. They should be appluaded for what they're doing as regards self sufficiency rather than hounded by petty bureaucrats at their time of life! See this thread on the aforementioned chicken forum viewtopic.php?f=7&t=40530&st=0&sk=t&sd=a we call ourselves 'The Omleteers' and we fully support this couple and want to make it known that we stand united in our love for the wonderful and rewarding hobby of keeping chickens and that we will do what we can to help Elizabeth and Ronald Lewis. We're hoping you would like to give this story your backing. Cool Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Janty Posted March 6, 2009 Share Posted March 6, 2009 I have just e-mailed the chronicle too. Here's my e-mail: Are you covering the story of Gateshead Council's threatened eviction of the couple in their 80's due to them keeping chickens? I know that they are in breach of their tennancy agreement but what a stupid clause. I belong to a chicken keeping forum and we are all getting together to lobby the council to change this and allow the chickens to stay. I believe that one or two neighbours have issues with the chickens but didn't have the guts to confront the couple themselves and instead went straight to the council. This couple are just trying to be self sufficient and at their age they really do not deserve this hassle from either the council or their unsociable neighbours who probably don't know where their eggs come from and most likely live on ready meals and other rubbish. Please help this couple, Jan A Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Janty Posted March 6, 2009 Share Posted March 6, 2009 Here's my e-mail to the council : Dear Council members, In the current climate when many people are existing on far from perfect diets and the obesity rates are soaring in this country, I was amazed today to learn that Gateshead council are intending to evict an elderly couple on the grounds that as part of their desire for self sufficiency, they are keeping two hens. I understand that they are in breach of their tennancy agreement (keeping livestock) but I fail to understand how keeping two pet hens can be classes as livestock. My hens are my pets and are treated as such. The couple clearly have a bond with their hens in the same way as other people have a bond with their rabbits, their cats or their dogs. Are you going to evict every household that owns a rabbit hutch? Rabbits can be eaten too. Does that not technically make them livestock? If you do not intend to evict other families on the estate that keep rabbits then you are clearly discriminating against this couple. Or perhaps, if you do carry out your eviction threat you could find this couple a home in the country where they could keep their hens (as surely it would fall upon you to rehome this couple, or would you see them on the streets?) I understand that only a few neighbours have complained and they have not had the courtesy to talk to the couple themselves. Usually with a bit of courtesy most problems can be resolved with any neighbourhood issues. It seems to me that courtesy has not been a priviledge that Elizabeth and Ronald Lewis have been afforded, either by their neighbours or yourselves. I look forward to hearing your proposals with this matter, Jan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 6, 2009 Share Posted March 6, 2009 excellent Janty, love the bit about rabbits and discrimination! I'm still composing mine but will post here when done. I hate the thought that these people are being, in effect, bullied at their time of life, especially when the reason for doing so is so ridiculous! I hope everyone gets behind this! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phoebe Posted March 6, 2009 Share Posted March 6, 2009 I agree its really stupid, but cannot see any great hope of success here. The legal definition of livestock commonly used in byelaws and by extension, tenancy agreements includes poultry, so they have breached the terms of their lease. The only option is to campaign to get the tenancy rules changed - but thats unlikely as I suspect many tenants and the housing association would be against such a change -whether from a basis of ignorance, prejudice or whatever. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phoebe Posted March 6, 2009 Share Posted March 6, 2009 hate to say this too, but council would not have a duty to house them - by breaching tenancy, they would have made themselves intentionally homeless Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 6, 2009 Share Posted March 6, 2009 As Edmund Burke said, “The only thing needed for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing.” If the only thing it achieves is for this couple to know they have lots of support then that's something, in my opinion. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phoebe Posted March 6, 2009 Share Posted March 6, 2009 fair point Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 6, 2009 Share Posted March 6, 2009 fair point can we count on your support then Phoebe? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saronne Posted March 6, 2009 Share Posted March 6, 2009 That doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to put pressure on the housing association. Sometimes they will see sense if others help them to see it. Saronne Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 6, 2009 Share Posted March 6, 2009 That doesn't mean that we shouldn't try .... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
finger lickin good Posted March 6, 2009 Share Posted March 6, 2009 I too have emailed the MP and council. I think the complaining neighbours should get a life and find something better to do than complain about a couple of lovely chickens Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Larkspurs Posted March 6, 2009 Share Posted March 6, 2009 Sent to the MP and the council. Dear Sir/Madam, I am shocked and appalled today to learn that Gateshead Council are intending to evict an elderly couple on the grounds that as part of their desire for self sufficiency, company and affection are keeping two hens. I understand that they are technically in breach of their tenancy agreement (keeping livestock) but I fail to understand how keeping two pet hens can be classed as livestock even though the tenancy agreement you offer explicitly states so. The term livestock is commonly taken as representing farming animals such as goats, sheep, cows and so on. In fact, the term is so broad and can be interpreted in many ways leading it to be almost meaningless. If the intention is to reduce noise, smell, traffic and nuisance to neighbours then applying the term livestock to two pet hens makes no sense. Hens are quite legitimately pets, especially in today's society. One could quite literally compare this with keeping a dog, cat or a rabbit. Hens generally make less of a nuisance of themselves as a dog could with incessant barking, yet technically dogs seem to be allowed under the tenancy agreement. Surely the spirit of intent of the livestock clause could be applied, and the couple be allowed to keep the hens, rather than the strict interpretation of the clause despite the potential woolliness of the term livestock? If such an investigation takes place and no actual nuisance is found (rather than the fact they exist) could you reclassify hens as pets and allow the couple to apply to keep them? This will use the same process as you already have to allow exceptions on pet keeping by allowing you to give written permission on application and deal with on a case by case basis rather than a blanket rule allowing or disallowing them. I hope you consider this matter thoroughly and arrive at a solution that is sensible and fair to all concerned. Kind regards, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plum Posted March 6, 2009 Share Posted March 6, 2009 Well done Poet. I sent an email to the housing association and copied MP. Said this - I was very upset to hear about the couple in Gateshead who are to be evicted for keeping a couple of pet chickens. They are beautiful therapeutic creatures who will keep this couple young in body and soul. Surely this is a good thing and will reduce their dependence on services because they will have a healthy lifestyle and interest that improves their wellbeing. Older people who have no interests and are isolated become low and focused on the problems that come with advancing years. Some neighbours may have concerns but isn’t it better to deal with the problems than be so draconian. Perhaps it’s noise but they are not cockerels and the healthy talk of a chicken is much quieter than dogs or children. It may be worries about rats but any poor animal husbandry e.g. wild bird food, rabbits, or pets can cause problems and are solved with a bit of education and purchase of foodbins. It may just be neighbour conflict which won’t be solved this way except in the short term. Please reconsider and let this couple continue their interest with their lovely pets without this threat. Thankyou Hope they don't mind me mentioning age. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BERTIE MCSQUIRTY Posted March 6, 2009 Share Posted March 6, 2009 i've written a stern letter too Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 6, 2009 Share Posted March 6, 2009 okay, this is mine.... From: Sent: 06 March 2009 23:10 To: '' Cc: '' Subject: Elizabeth and Ronald Lewis To whom it may concern I am contacting you concerning the plight of Elizabeth and Ronald Lewis and the reports of their threatened eviction in the media. I sincerely hope that this is the media blowing things out of proportion but perhaps you can clarify the situation for me as I find it very hard to believe that a couple in their eighties are being treated so appallingly. From what I have read, the couple keep just 2 chickens and these birds are the reason they are threatened with eviction. I live on a housing estate in the North West of England and I currently have 8 chickens in my suburban back garden. Being the owner of 8 chickens, I find it incredibly hard to believe that a mere 2 chickens could cause such a problem. The neighbourhood dogs and cats cause more of a problem than my girls and all our neighbours are very supportive of us keeping chickens. Before we got our chickens, I contacted my local council who were also extremely supportive. My council incidentally has also been one the first local authorities in the country to ensure only free range eggs are served in our local schools, care homes and council run buildings and I am always telling people what a wonderful job they do. The power of word of mouth is incredible. In fact, I and numerous other chicken keepers are currently discussing what a raw deal this couple are getting on an internet chicken forum, which currently has over five thousand members, word is spreading about Gateshead council. Sadly, you are not currently being seen in a favourable light. I would love to know exactly what the problem is with this couple keeping just 2 chickens. Surely what they are doing should be applauded; they are trying to be a little more self sufficient and keeping active into the bargain. It’s not as if they are keeping a huge flock of chickens with a noisy cockerel in their garden. Being a chicken keeper myself, I know for a fact that 2 chickens will not be disruptive in any way. I recently read that Manchester City council are preparing to turn over their parks and gardens to growing fruit and veg for local people to be able to pick. Do you want Gateshead Council to be recognised as a council with a forward thinking approach or a narrow minded bunch of pen pushers who have to stick to the rules no matter what? Everywhere one turns these days, we are being encouraged to be more self sufficient. What this couple are doing should be positively encouraged and applauded. If what I have read is true and you are planning to evict an elderly couple who are doing nothing wrong in the eyes of any sane person, then I would be astounded, but I shall await your comments because I have also contacted a local Gateshead newspaper and I would love to be able to tell them what a forward thinking and compassionate council Gateshead really are. As you can see, I have copied in the couple’s local MP. I very much look forward to hearing from you and will pass on your comments to all the other interested parties via the internet chicken forum. Regards Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Seagazer Posted March 7, 2009 Share Posted March 7, 2009 Just sent my emails off. Not sure it will work but heres hoping. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Egluntyne Posted March 7, 2009 Share Posted March 7, 2009 How about a Downing Street Petition? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 7, 2009 Share Posted March 7, 2009 I was thinking of a facebook group aswell, to get more interest. Leave it with me and I'll try and get something together later. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GEB Posted March 7, 2009 Share Posted March 7, 2009 I've written to them aswell. Fingers crossed for this lovely couple and their girls! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 7, 2009 Share Posted March 7, 2009 have started a facebook group so please join and have started a petition, just have to wait for it to be authorised, will keep you updated. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Janty Posted March 7, 2009 Share Posted March 7, 2009 I've joined up but on Facebook I am known as Marie due to it being a widely used public forum, get my drift. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
susanbb Posted March 7, 2009 Share Posted March 7, 2009 Joined Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...