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Watery Eye....

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Since this forum is the hub of all knowledge, I was wondering if you could help.


My right eye won't stop watering! Its been going on for a few weeks now and is getting annoying. There is no redness or gloop coming out, it just keeps watering. Anitihistime(sp?) doesn't work either.

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Is it from the outside edge of your eye or from the tear duct corner? I ask this because I mentioned it to the optician on Friday as my left eye waters constantly from the outside edge, he said if it was from the outside edge it was due to my eyes being too tired and dry and overcompensating (I work in air-con 8 hours a day) but if it was from the tear duct end it was likely to be a blocked tear duct!

That said he didn't say what I could do about a blocked tear duct but he did say a day time eye drop might stop my eye from getting to tired and dry


it's really annoying - end up with blodged make-up on that side and a patch with no mascara left! Do you find it's the same Fred? :wink:



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Years ago one of my mum's work colleagues had a watery eye. He always put it down to hayfever, until he couldn't put up with it any more - then it was discovered that his wisdom tooth was pushing the other teeth along and his incisor was causing the eye to water. Out came the wisdom teeth and no more watery eye. Funny things, eyes.

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