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Bantams & Heavies in the same Eglu?

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I posted this on the US forum, but I thought I would ask you guys as well since you have a much deeper history with the Eglu.


So funny thing happened on the way to the market. We found a chicken walking down the street.


We are trying to find her home, but should that not work out, I guess we'll have a new bird. She is a Bantam and we have full sized birds. Does anyone have a Bantam and Heavy mixture living in an Eglu? How do you configure the glug and grub?


We are calling her Surely, because surely we didn't find a chicken walking across the street. How cliche.



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Sorry I've had no experience of such an integration, my big girls (Orpingtons) came with their own cube, and they now share that with my 3 hybrids who are about half their size. We've had them all together for about 3 weeks now.


Personally, I wouldn't like to introduce a single bantam with an established group in such a confined space.


Until you know she is yours to keep, a Chicken of Fate :D , keep her in a separate house, for quarantine reasons if not safety to start with.


Somebody more knowledgeable is bound to come along soon, although being it's nearly 11pm here now, maybe not until the morning, although there are a fair few "night owls" in the ranks!!


Good luck with your little girl!


Sha x

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Hi Figlette.


I just had to post when I saw where you are :D My parents live in Portland (mum is American), it's a lovely place. I'd move out there like a shot but hubby isn't keen unfortunately!


Anyway, as to your question, I'm not sure about introductions as we got our flock of 6 'pre-loved' chooks already integrated and I'm not sure what the timings were / how they went. But there is one (old lady!) bantam in with 5 ex-batts and while she seems to be at the bottom of the pecking order, she doesn't seem bothered by it and in fact always manages to sleep in the cosy nest box every night rather than on the perch with the others. We have a wodden house and traditional feeders though, so that doesn't help with your Eglu questions - sorry!


Hope it all works out OK - a Chicken Of Fate, wow!




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I would keep her separate. Although my bantams free range with the big girls now, when I first got them the big girls bullied the little ones horrendously. If you do keep her, it would be a good excuse to buy some more bantams to keep her company.



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I have a mixed flock but had my bantams at the same time as 4 of my large fowl so there was no problem with integration and they all get along just fine. I think that if she ends up staying it would be a good excuse to get some more bantams!


I recently introduced 2 more large fowl, did it gradually over about 4 weeks and now have one flock that integrated with minimal problems and now they get along like a house on fire (I'm quite proud of myself :P )

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That is a question I would like answered too as I am left with a ex-bat on her own and was planning on getting a bantam to keep her company, mainly because although we leave the door of the run open so they have access to electric-fenced pen in the day, if we go away then we shut them in and I thought a little bantam would take up less space so they would be happier!! is this bonkers?



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