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A chickychickychick-ENN!!

Chicken jumpers on the BBC - is this lady one of us?

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Not me, although I did knit one for my little columbine when we first got her - she was in such a state of nudity... however, it got all mucky very soon and she also started to grow feathers shortly afterwards so I gave up on the idea... same with hats to cover their combs, a few shakes and pecks and hats were off... :notalk: so ungrateful... or perhaps is an overdeveloped sense of ridicule... :oops:


I have also considered a jumper for my puppy as she's got such short hair... but the weather here is lovely at the moment and she's growing at a rate of knots!


I think I'll only inflict my knitting on myself from now on and leave the poor defenseless, unsuspecting creatures alone. :anxious:

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