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Mutrix Farmers

Bumper Bits - are they illegal?

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As we are still having pecking problems I thought I would try to find somewhere that sells bumper bits. Google mentioned a couple fo websites (including Omlet) but a couple of other chicken-keepers forums have left me puzzled. There is the general opinion that bumper bits are illegal!! There were loads of other comments that they were barbaric and can damage a chicken's beak/nasal cavity.


Now I'm very confused!! :?

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I have not heard anything like this either. All of mine have the black 'A' shaped bumper bits from Wernlas which only hold theit beak open by a tiny amount but have the extended piece at the end to stop serious damage being done to other hens. As Claret said better that they have these and live in peace than for a bloodbath to take place.


I must admit that we didn't really like the white anti-peck rings that we tried at first because they hold the beak open by quite a lot and make it hard for them to eat corn and other treats.

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There are some anti pecking devices which are illegal, but bumpa bits aren't.


I believe the illegal ones have a pin which goes right through one nostril and out of the other one :shock: I don't think you can even buy them in this country. (And I certainly hope not..)


Bumpa bits are perfectly legal and comfy for the chook if they are fitted properly. They will just shake their heads for a minute or two and maybe sneeze a couple of times, but they get used to them very quickly - Gilda has been wearing hers for months!

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Bumper bits are not illegal at the moment, but are not recommended by Defra: see their "Code for the welfare of meat chickens and breeding chickens":



It says, "Other forms of device fitted to bird’s heads (such as spectacles, contact lenses and nasal bits) may also cause welfare problems and should not be used."


They may well become illegal in the future which is a shame, as I think they are better than the alternatives.

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