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Are Pheasants and Chickens Compatible ?

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we have two chickens in an eglu with a home made run attacted to it. the girls can also be our in the garden , free ranging.


we also have an uninvited male pheasant that has desided to visit our garden through out the day!


are the girls safe??? he hasn't got too near them yet but he is showing alot of interest!


can anyone through any light on this subject, please. :eh: ?

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oh I have pheasants visit my garden although I dont have my (cube green) & GNRGNR until mid april

This is one I would like to know as well now. The only thing is that when i kept domesticated ducks Aylesburys and Khaki Campbells if they were out on the pond the wild mallards would be mating with them as well but no harm was done??


Um will watch this post now with anticpation ...

inde :lol:

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Of course u can eat the eggs its only if they start being incubated by ie a broody or incubator that a chicken will appear! :lol:

Hopefully someone will let us know about the pheasant situation...perhaps u could adopt him....its probably cos of the food they can become really tame and i like to see them in the garden at least they havent been shot to pieces....


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I have several pheasants who visit my garden. My chickens are behind electric fencing but I have found a cock pheasant inside with them. However, he didn't stay for long as my girls are not very impressed by his advances. :shock: They saw him off.


So far my girls have remained healthy but they are regularly treated for worms and lice.


The pheasants may be be more interested in the chicken food than the chickens.

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that is quite a nice looking cross!!!Around here though the pheasants dont live very long its a short season due to shooting parties, so if i see them to wards the end of shooting season Im just glad its lodging in my garden...agree after food they are very handsome


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I get up to 12 pheasants at a time in my garden. I was quite worried about thier presence and posted a query about it at the beginning of autumn. People told me not to worry so I didn't.


To be honest, it is quite amusing watching my two cope with the pheasants. They get quite aggressive with them some times but, for the most part, they all get on reasonably well.


I like to go and call the girls; see the pheasants all run a mile whilst the chooks come charging up towards me!

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We have one in our garden everyday and the girls and him really don't seem to notice each other, whether the girls are freeranging on in the one. We watched form the window the first few times expecting to see some antics as they got to know each other, but were frankly bored!! Oh well!!

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