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Claret's chicks

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Your photos really prove that it is better for chicks to be with a Mummy Hen rather than Mummy Mop as our Barnevelder Bantam chicks did. There is quite a marked difference in their size.


Ours are in the Eglu complete with run, inside the bigger run with all the other chicks and mummies, so they are not competing for food, or being picked on.


lovely photos Clare - I'd better start looking for a place to put Herbert :? I'll get the Omlet netting back out and section an area - I'll probably put any other cockerels we can sort out into an area together.

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Good idea Lesley, will you be wanting to take him back this weekend? The Barnie boy could probably go as well if you have somewhere to put him, then the bunnies can go back into their Rablu :roll:


I'd happily do hatching again next year, just have to get house sorted out; the Rablu is ideal for hatching, but it does mean that the bunnies are then restricted to their luxury duplex wooden hutch and can only get 'grass time' at weekends when I can watch them. I wonder whether a little wooden ark would take up much room? I could coat the inside with this Plasticote stuf to deter any buggies.... :? It's just the constant maintenance that woukd bother me.

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Well, the boy chicks went back to Lesley and Carl's farm today. I use the term chicks loosely as Herbert was about twice the size of his surrogate mum and Barnie was almost the same size :lol:


We caught them, clipped their wings and dosed them with a drop of Ivomec each. They trundled off happily in the run with their new friends, so unless there's any squabbling at bedtime, they will have settled down without too much fuss.


It was sort of sad to see them go, but I hadn't got too attached to them.

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Yes they are Martin.


Emma, they were all in bed by the time we got back, so I just checked on them - Betty was cheeping away to herself and they were all tucked up together and no sign of trouble. I will try to get up especially early in the morning to let them into the run before they start any possible pecking while they're still in the Eglu.

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Herbie and Barnie are doing fine - I think the hens all have far more to think about at the moment :?


We've just had the scariest night and had no power from around 1am last night to 1.30pm today :shock: All Eglus present and correct - I wonder if we'll get any eggs though? :?

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