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Pink problem

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I have 2 set of Grub & Grubs, one green & one pink.


The green set is 8 months older than the pink one,which is only about 5 months old.

However, the green ones look like new,but the pinks are really badly pitted with dark spots all over the top.It almost looks like mould,& is annoying as I really try to keep them looking clean :?

The Glug is especially bad :?


Anyone else noticed this?

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Actually, my pink glug and grub look slightly the worse for wear - it's like ingrained dirt that I can't get off.


I've not tried it in the dishwasher though.




Do you use dishwasher powder when you do them?

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My pink Rablu is like that all over :? and I am waiting for the hosepipe ban to end so that I can try my Dad's pressure washer on it. My orange peanuts and glug are both very pitted and get extremely grubby, so Phil pops them in his dishwasher every now and then, they come up like new :D Shame I can't fit the whole Eglu in there. :?


Thats the odd thing though - all my bits & pieces go into the dishwasher,but the pink ones just don't get very clean.


Its very strange :?:?:?


Maybe a snap together Eglu would be good in the future,so it would break down into little dishwasher sized bits :lol:

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My pink Rablu is like that all over :? and I am waiting for the hosepipe ban to end so that I can try my Dad's pressure washer on it. My orange peanuts and glug are both very pitted and get extremely grubby, so Phil pops them in his dishwasher every now and then, they come up like new :D Shame I can't fit the whole Eglu in there. :?


It is my understanding that, for health and safety reasons, I am allowed to use a hose to clean my eglu and surrounding areas. I do this once a month (and I don't take the opportunity to do anything else with it, honest!). Barbara posted that someone near me had asked her water authority about it. Because we keep livestock, hygiene is important and hoses are therefore allowed. You could ask for advice from your water board, but use the word 'livestock'. Maybe a mention of bird flu would help? :wink:

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Thanks Ginette, I know I can use one for hygiene reasons, but I prefer not to on principle - if others aren't allowed to use hoses, then why should I... Wihth our gardens being very close and 'look-over-able', there'd be someone sure to complain :roll:


Yes Dan, we do still have a ban - it has rained a lot here and the garden is very wet, not sure about the levels in the reservoirs though - perhaps they just forgot to lift the ban :?

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A drought order is a more severe form of a hosepipe ban.

I think things like car washes will shut,you can no longer use a hose pipe in an allotment...that sort of thing.

They can also reduce household flow by quite a lot :?


The good news is that they didn't get it,otherwise it would have meant more problems for us down here :D


There is some good info here -




and here


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