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Chicken shopping today!

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This morning we decided to fill the gap left by dear little Humbug with a new Bantam hen or 2 :P


So, off we went to a lady who was advertising in the Free Ads,to look at some silkies & Auracanas - which we were very disappointed with.

They were sadly very pecked,& not very pretty looking hens,so we decided that they were not for us.


However,all is not lost.

The Garden Hen in Windsor have gold silkies & one white poland,as well as Welsummers & Wyandottes, so we are going there this afternoon.


Keep you fingers crossed,everyone!

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We are back - & have 2 new additions to our flock.....


Floss - a white Poland & Treacle - a gold Silkie :P:P:P


We got them from "The Garden Hen" in Windsor - very helpful,friendly service :P




Photos to follow when I can coax the little things out of the Eglu & into the run where those big scarey Pekins are :lol:

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