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been away....

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hello everyone, Ive not visited here for a while and the reason is that we finally moved (from Herts) to Somerset. We've been here for a month now, and its wonderful! We bought a 100 year old cottage on a tiny lane, surrounded by fields of sheep, cows and crops. we've spent the day supposedly gardening in preparation for next years veg growing, doing the lawn reseeding, etc, but in truth we've spent as much time watching the birds soaring and circling overhead- mainly buzzards and falcons.


our eleven pets all made the move ok, the 5 cats were most stressed but are fine now. The 4 hens werent worried at all by it, and even laid their eggs in the eglu, in transit in a transit!! :lol::lol::lol:


The most exciting news though, is that having been in contact with BHWT in conjunction with the local RSPCA, we will be homing 3 rescue hens in 2 weeks. they are being rescued on the 21st October and we cant wait!


we were without internet for 3 weeks and I didnt manage to log in that often before the move, but in the month or so I have been away there have been 1517 posts! I'll never read through them all, but i do pop in and read what i can when time allows.


Its good to see the forum going strong, and the sharing of advice etc is as useful as ever! i'll post again when my new girls arrive, hopefully they'll soon get their strength and health etc back, and I know theres lots of people here who can offer advice if any problems do crop up! :lol:

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