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Chickens for eating - NOT for the squeamish!

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Well, we're all ready to go. Dish of breadcrumbs, brandy and honey just going out to them now. At 8am we will take them quietly, one at a time, round to the side of the house, have a last chat and stroke and then despatch quickly.


Wednesday is the one day when I work in town and if I don't get in and parked then there will be no parking :roll: but it is the only day this week when Lauren and Jake aren't around. Lauren wants to watch but until we've perfected what we are doing I don't want her to see. This will be another morning without breakfast because we can't face any.


Also, I will be wearing my fleece jacket not like the expensive waterproof I wore last week :roll: I don't know what happened to my brain - I had to wash and re-proof my jacket :?

Back later.

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We did the deed with tears running down our faces and heaving and retching by the dustbins.

After No.1 we decided we couldn't do it. Forced ourselves to do No.2 which went like a dream. No.3 was going to have a reprieve after No.1 but as No.2 went so well we managed No.3. We both mentioned rushing out and buying something - anything! - fortunately, at separate times


We hung them in the polytunnel and plucked them. Then my son's girlfriend appeared in the back garden. She is Hungarian and used to chickens as her father keeps about 30 but I think the sight of me with 'just out of bed' hair and a face mask as protection against the feathers nearly finished her off :shock:


Then I have to strip off by the washing machine, bung everything in the machine and hot foot it upstairs, hoping no-one rings the front doorbell as I'm on my way past :shock:


I don't know what is going to happen to the last three - we might need to call in the troops. I don't think we can face despatching them, especially as they are growing so big and have big, strong necks :(


The three that are hanging in the utility room will be drawn and tidied up tomorrow. At least once all the feathers have gone they don't look too much like a chicken - if you know what I mean :? It doesn't really get any easier.

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Exactly my thoughts Buffie. The lady I met today has chooks, but takes hers to her dads (he's a farmer) for dispatch. She finds that she doesnt have enough strength to do it. Her dad says that even after being a farmer all his working life, dispatching a life still makes him sad and so I have so much admiration for you.

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We've just been to the Carol Service at Church and a lady from the village, whom we have always called 'the Chicken Strangler', was there. We had a chat to her and we seem to be doing the right thing even when it all seems to get a bit gory.


I ache from head to toe - I think it is nerves as much as anything else.

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Bath? :shock: I can't remember the last time I had a bath!


I hasten to add that I do shower but I find it too difficult to get in and out of the bath because of my knee and I'm not having one of those bath things yet!


Two hot wheat bags and putting my feet up will have to do :D

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Well done you two! I take my hat off too you, I would've been mortified by the struggle put up by number one :shock:


I'd get someone else to dispatch the rest when the time comes; there's no point in distressing yourself if it can be avoided.


I like the bit about running upstairs naked :shock::wink::D


If you lived nearer them, I'd suggest getting Phil's dad to do it - he's a dab hand having managed a farm all his life. He is a really good bloke and doesn't enjoy it as he is very gentle liek Phil, but would do it if needed. When the avian flu hysteria was going on, I asked him if he'd 'do' my girls if it meant the men in white coats coming for them - he is the only person I'd choose to do it properly and efficiently.

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Well done, Lesley & Paul, it must have been hard today. I reckon the last 3 will be easy peasy, just like no.2.

8) You can do it! You've grown your dinner, and now it's time to harvest it. Go out with confidence & determination (I'm sending you some).

Very best wishes, I think you've both been great. When are the others due, I've forgotten?


PS. (will quite understand if you don't, and I have the advantage of being at a distance & not having any involvement! :wink:)

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