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Decline in eggs

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we've definitely had less eggs recently , two have stopped laying altogether and Willow has just started laying again after a month off,


last year we just had two hens and Rosie never stopped laying all winter wheras Willow stopped laying on bonfire night and didn't lay again until mid january.


They stop laying when they moult but it seems very variable whether they stop for a week or months!


I think purebreeds are more likely to stop altogether in the winter and the hybrids will keep laying better but with the shorter days think they also lay less


can you tell wheter some of your girls have stopped altogether or not ?

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Yes, we are getting just one egg a day now, down from 3 almost every day in the summer. Not sure if it is one hen keeping going, but I think it might be. Jenny always produced long eggs with rather thin shells and we've not had one of those for weeks.

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we had three for the first three days but since then we have only have one, and then not every day. :?


i've wormed them and they have chicken spice and citricidal every day, but other than that i had just put it down to the fact they are young girls in a new home, and the days are getting shorter. :roll:


we'd love some more eggs though. They would be gobbled up :lol::lol:

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we had 3 from Lily in the first week...then none...waiting...waiting...still waiting. We went away for the weekend and left them to it and there was a nice egg waiting when we got back - and another yesterday...good girl she is. Perhaps she didn't like us watching!!!!

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I reckon it must be a settling in thing - and the fact that we start to give them lots of treats they've not had before! Belle laid for a week last month then stopped for two and has now started again. I thought this was strange until i read similar stories on here.

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