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Sheila+ Young wasn't injured, he had ageed to join us on Friday so wasn't included!


:lol: Martin, I'm so old fashioned, I knew about the signing, but the penny didn't drop that the situation would therefore make it rather difficult to play as his loyalties would be questionable, or at least surely questioned. :roll:

In the olden days players didn't transfer so often. :lol:


...I was thinking of his earlier ankle injury and that just came into my mind :roll: so thanks for making it clear to me.


PS. OH had to cook tea tonight so that I could....

.... :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D ...#


...what a result!

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Well rememner that it was a very weak liverpool side, and generally "Ooops, word censored!"nal's was much stronger, it's not as if Benitez cares that they went out of the Carling Cup.


Martin!!! What are you like? The Liverpool side had lots more first team players in then the "Ooops, word censored!"nal team, we only had Toure and Fabregas...




Hope you don't mind that I copied your prediction? But, 2/1 win seemed such a good idea, no need to choose anything else!


It WAS a great prediction wasn't it - i surprised myself with that one!!! Do not feel i have got sufficent respect and awe from Chelsea, Phil and Martin over my inherent genius! :lol::wink:

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So here's the updated table:


name                         c/s          c/r            total

Chelsea                       1           3                 6
Helen                           1           3                 6
Sheila                          1           2                 5
Martin                          1           1                 4
Phil                              0           4                 4

c/s = correct score = 3pts
c/r = correct result = 1pt



Helen zooms up to equal top with the consistently accurate Chelsea, the boys anchor the table with some woeful predicting!!



the "Ooops, word censored!"nal game..


(was busy yesterday - so only heard about 10 mins in between two Week of Prayer for Christian Unity services, preaching at Morag's church being one of them)


but the bit I did hear..


1. Wayne Rooney clearly and loudly tells the ref. to f*** off - which was what Juffy got his straight red card for on Saturday.. Juff should have been sent off - no argument - but why is it only ever Juff or Nolan who are sent off for this offence??


2. Eboue up to his old tricks again - feigning injury to get a player sent off - after a nothing incident with Rooney he reacts as if he has been hit with a piano - and from many yards away - Lehman pleads with the ref. to send Rooney off for an elbow.. :roll: (the commentators suggested that Eboue should grow up - for this "is not the "Ooops, word censored!"nal way"... I'm afraid that increasingly, it is the "Ooops, word censored!"nal way...


further thoughts..


there is NOTHING better than a last minute injury-time winner!!!!! Helen - you must be on cloud 9!!


I was less than a minute away from a correct score and top-of-the-table glory!


Phil & Chelsea lick their wounds... Martin, Sheila and Helen sleep peacefully at night... let's hope the tables are turned next week..


One good thing - ManU are not the first team to beat "Ooops, word censored!"nal at the Emirates - which leaves that honour open for another team... Mmmmm.......... :wink:



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Poor love Martin, hope the head clears soon. May just have been the weather (or boredom ) but there is a funny virus around that starts like a cold with a headache but the head gets very painful without the rest developing, if you see what I mean. Either way, drink plenty of water and get extra sleep.



Hope Martin feels better but i think i've got what you described Sheila... Had a stinking headache all yesterday - felt quite sick with it (probably didn't help that i was in a sportshall with 200 screaming children and a loud gun going off and then getting rather over-excited over a football match :? ) Felt quite sick when i went to bed and have woken up feeling pretty bleurgh as well so have phoned in work ill and will spend my time between my sick bed and the forum - (great for when you;re ill or bored) Oh and i've got to sort the stupid car out as well :evil:


Anyhow back to football. Its good to see the girls where they should be - at the top of the table - bit like our football teams really! Just proves we know more about football then you boys... :wink:


Hope your preaching went well Phil??


Wayne Rooney should have been sent off he was obviously just as bad as Juffy but gets away with it again.


My brother suggested that Lehmann (2 'N's) had been giving Eboue lessons yesterday... I admit they did over-react but Rooney gets away with so much its hard not to react when its him - theres no smoke without fire.


However "Ooops, word censored!"nal are known for 'the "Ooops, word censored!"nal way' (i think that means just being a classier team then everyuone else!) and it does seem a shame that occasionally we downgrade ourselves to the way of Spurs, Man. U, Bolton etc when we're better then that. I hope Wenger sorts it out before it becomes to much of a problem.




there is NOTHING better than a last minute injury-time winner!!!!! Helen - you must be on cloud 9!!


I am! Though my head hurts (and i didn't even have a drink to celebrate)


I was less than a minute away from a correct score and top-of-the-table glory!
But still wrong eh Phil? Several of my scores last week were nearly 3 pointers until someone went and scored...


Are we scoring the F.A cup matches next week?


One good thing - ManU are not the first team to beat "Ooops, word censored!"nal at the Emirates - which leaves that honour open for another team... Mmmmm..........


Yes am slightly worried about this in that Bolton have had a few bad results recently and we are obviously on another planet now - bit worried that the tides got to turn sometime and we'll come back down to earth with a bump. :? Should be an exciting match anyway.........

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Hope Martin feels better but i think i've got what you described Sheila... Had a stinking headache all yesterday - felt quite sick with it (probably didn't help that i was in a sportshall with 200 screaming children and a loud gun going off and then getting rather over-excited over a football match :? ) Felt quite sick when i went to bed and have woken up feeling pretty bleurgh as well so have phoned in work ill and will spend my time between my sick bed and the forum - (great for when you;re ill or bored) Oh and i've got to sort the stupid car out as well :evil:



Blimey!! and they say that men moan about colds!!!! :roll::wink:


Anyhow back to football.

My brother suggested that Lehmann (2 'N's) had been giving Eboue lessons yesterday... and it does seem a shame that occasionally we downgrade ourselves to the way of Spurs, Man. U, Bolton etc when we're better then that. I hope Wenger sorts it out before it becomes to much of a problem.



(Phil falls off chair in shock!!!!)


have the gooner-glasses slipped slightly?? :wink: Headline news:


"Helen agrees with Phil about cheating Gooners shocker!"


:lol: :lol:


Are we scoring the F.A cup matches next week?


I'd like to think so...


Yes am slightly worried about this in that Bolton have had a few bad results recently and we are obviously on another planet now - bit worried that the tides got to turn sometime and we'll come back down to earth with a bump. :? Should be an exciting match anyway.........


You're fooling "Ooops, word censored!"ody, Helen!! Everyone knows "Ooops, word censored!"nal will Murder Bolton on Sunday...


the best we can hope for is to scab a draw and take you back to the Reebok - your worst nightmare!!!


Phil 8)

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Blimey!! and they say that men moan about colds!!!!


Phil your sympathy is just overwhelming. :wink:


Are you sure you're a vicar?! There i was thinking they were kind, compassionate people... I hope your bedside manners a bit better when you're visiting all the ill old ladys in your parish or whatever its called? :?


(Phil falls off chair in shock!!!!)


have the gooner-glasses slipped slightly?? Headline news:


"Helen agrees with Phil about cheating Gooners shocker!"


It must be being ill that makes me agree with you Phiil, after all its a most unusual occurence :lol::wink:


I didn't say that "Ooops, word censored!"nal are cheats, its just Eboue and Lehmann tend to make more of stuff then some players... If they were cheating surely they'd be booked?! :?8) Perhaps they're just sensitive souls who have a low pain threshold :wink::lol:


You're fooling "Ooops, word censored!"ody, Helen!! Everyone knows "Ooops, word censored!"nal will Murder Bolton on Sunday...


the best we can hope for is to scab a draw and take you back to the Reebok - your worst nightmare!!!


You're just saying that to cover all bases Phil. Anyhow you keep telling me "Ooops, word censored!"nal are a rubbish team and you've 'thrashed' us before so whats different this time? We will be tired after playing Spuds in the Carling cup on wednesday. Thats my excuse anyway... I REALLY hope its not a draw :?

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Blimey!! and they say that men moan about colds!!!!


Phil your sympathy is just overwhelming. :wink:


Are you sure you're a vicar?! There i was thinking they were kind, compassionate people... I hope your bedside manners a bit better when you're visiting all the ill old ladys in your parish or whatever its called? :?


Old ladies are just like anyone else... treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen :wink:


I'm sure Morag will agree...


You're just saying that to cover all bases Phil. Anyhow you keep telling me "Ooops, word censored!"nal are a rubbish team and you've 'thrashed' us before so whats different this time? We will be tired after playing Spuds in the Carling cup on wednesday. Thats my excuse anyway... I REALLY hope its not a draw :?


Of course I'm covering all bases!! But our advantage is that we're in a no-lose situation - if we win - it's a huge shock - if we lose, it's what was expected anyway! (and we're concentrating on the league being as our squad isn't big enough for one competition, let alone two!) :wink:


as for telling you "Ooops, word censored!"nal are Rubbish... I don't think I have ever done that.. could you remind me when I said that??


I have called "Ooops, word censored!"nal dirty cheats (Eboue and Lehman - he's not man enough for two n's) - and you have seen the light and now agree with me.. :wink:


but I have never said "Ooops, word censored!"nal are rubbish.. (have I??)


Villa are rubbish - and their manager is vastly over-rated... I have said that!!!




you wrap up warm dear... have a nice hot cuppa soup, some lemsip and a nice warm blanket - settle down on the sofa (with the dolphin) and watch the recorded highlights of yesterday's game..


there.. there.. can I put this nice cool flannel on your poor burning forehead... is that better? shall I plump the cushions a little? Do you want that footstool a bit closer?




(is that better? I'm trying my best!!)



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here's something to make me cross!!!


we lost 5-1 yesterday (did anyone notice??)


yet... I have just seen the OPTA stats:


we had 5 shots on target

boro had 5 shots on target


Boro had 55% of the possession

we had 45% of the possession


shooting practice at the Reebok this week methinks! :roll:



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Of course I'm covering all bases!! But our advantage is that we're in a no-lose situation - if we win - it's a huge shock - if we lose, it's what was expected anyway!


I don't think it would be such a big shock if you won as everyone knows that Bolton are our bogey team. I'm fairly sure in the last few years you've beaten us more times then we've beaten you... :?:cry: However it looks like we will be playing our first team as they didn't reduce the ticket cost for the match which they usually do if they are playing the reserves. Lucky you - getting to see so many good players - not often you can watch talent like Henry and Fabregas when supporting a team like Bolton eh?! How much are away tickets?


I'm sure you've called "Ooops, word censored!"nal rubbish (or something similar) at some point Phil, though i can't be bothered to trawl back through the thread to find out when... :wink:



I have called "Ooops, word censored!"nal dirty cheats (Eboue and Lehman - he's not man enough for two n's) - and you have seen the light and now agree with me..


a. don't blame Lehmann for your poor spelling mistakes :wink:

and b. I didn't fully agree with you! I just said that you might have the tinsiest, tiniest point about it... :wink::lol:




you wrap up warm dear... have a nice hot cuppa soup, some lemsip and a nice warm blanket - settle down on the sofa (with the dolphin) and watch the recorded highlights of yesterday's game..


there.. there.. can I put this nice cool flannel on your poor burning forehead... is that better? shall I plump the cushions a little? Do you want that footstool a bit closer?


(is that better? I'm trying my best!!)


Thats much better Phil, very caring. You'll go far as a minister (further the better - boom boom!) Now all i need is it done properly not virtually... perhaps i should train Milo as a nurse... (or the dolphin :wink: )


Have taken your advice and made a lemsip - why do those things always taste so gross?

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here's something to make me cross!!!


we lost 5-1 yesterday (did anyone notice??)


yet... I have just seen the OPTA stats:


we had 5 shots on target

boro had 5 shots on target


Boro had 55% of the possession

we had 45% of the possession


shooting practice at the Reebok this week methinks!


Phil, you're getting old my dear, your brains going... *Says gently... 'Bolton played on saturday, not yesterday - yesterday was SUNDAY.'


How you ever get to the right service at the right time is beyond me... :wink::lol:


I just hope they can keep that bad form up for next Sunday... :wink: - You do realise the "Ooops, word censored!"nal - Bolton match is a SUNDAY, not a saturday don't you? How are you getting time off work anyway?

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Of course I'm covering all bases!! But our advantage is that we're in a no-lose situation - if we win - it's a huge shock - if we lose, it's what was expected anyway!


I don't think it would be such a big shock if you won as everyone knows that Bolton are our bogey team. I'm fairly sure in the last few years you've beaten us more times then we've beaten you... :?:cry:


Mmmm... but NOT at your place..



However it looks like we will be playing our first team as they didn't reduce the ticket cost for the match which they usually do if they are playing the reserves. How much are away tickets?


£32 - on open sale tomorrow...


I'd rather play your first team then your kids.. the first team fear us - the kids don't...


RVP is out - and Gilberto... but so is Juffy - so you'll still win!!


I'm sure you've called "Ooops, word censored!"nal rubbish (or something similar) at some point Phil, though i can't be bothered to trawl back through the thread to find out when... :wink:


in which case...


I'm sure you described Kevin Davies as the striker "Ooops, word censored!"nal most envied.. but I can't be bothered trawling all the way back to find the exact quote... :wink:


(actually - this is partially true - unlike your allegation - because Thierry Henry DID say quite recently that he had a lot to learn from Kevin Davies...)



Have taken your advice and made a lemsip - why do those things always taste so gross?



err... because you forgot to put the whiskey in it?? :wink:



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Phil, you're getting old my dear, your brains going... *Says gently... 'Bolton played on saturday, not yesterday - yesterday was SUNDAY.'


How you ever get to the right service at the right time is beyond me... :wink::lol:


Nurse! NURSE!!!





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Phil, you're getting old my dear, your brains going... *Says gently... 'Bolton played on saturday, not yesterday - yesterday was SUNDAY.'


How you ever get to the right service at the right time is beyond me... :wink::lol:


Nurse! NURSE!!!






I'll send the Dolphin round... In its "Ooops, word censored!"nal scarf :wink:

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Mmmm... but NOT at your place..


Well we'll see... I reckon it will be close - RVP, Gilberto, Ljungberg and Gallas still out... :( Do you have any absentees other then Juffy?


I'd rather play your first team then your kids.. the first team fear us - the kids don't...


Like i say, sometimes our kids play better then our first team so i don't really mind who Wenger puts out - look how i slated Baptista and Aliadiere before the Liverpool game :oops: Shows how much i know....


I'm sure I didn't describe Davies as the striker "Ooops, word censored!"nal most envied! :lol::lol::lol: Funny Phil! Thierry was misquoted in the papers, when i went to an "Ooops, word censored!"nal match recently he said something like this in the programme:


'I look at Kevin Davies to see what he does to annoy players.'


Kind of a compliment but somwhat backhanded don't you think?!

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'I look at Kevin Davies to see what he does to annoy players.'


Kind of a compliment but somwhat backhanded don't you think?!


when you're Bolton - you'll accept any kind of compliment!! :lol:


But.... you haven't quoted him properly..


For another type of game, I watch Davies, to see what he does to annoy players - not in a bad way - but just looking to see him in a situation.


"I put it in my brain and maybe it'll pop out without me knowing.


"When I watch the game, I watch how the players are moving. I'm not following the ball."



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when you're Bolton - you'll accept any kind of compliment!!


I can believe that Phil... :wink::lol:


This is what Thierry Henry said in the "Ooops, word censored!"nal programme vs Porto (champions league - do you know what that is Phil?! :wink: )


'There’s one thing I want to clear up from the weekend. At the recent Willow Foundation launch I was asked whether I watch a lot of football. I said yes, whether it’s the Championship or Premiership, whatever, I watch a lot, and of course I always look at the strikers, because that’s my position. I happened to mention Paul Dickov and Kevin Davies, but I could have said Jason Roberts or Andy Johnson, anyone, I look at the way any striker moves because there is always something to learn. You never know when something you’ve seen from someone else can pop up in your head when you are playing. But it can be whoever, it could be Ronaldinho or Eto’o, or it could be a guy at Barnet, I just like watching football and of course I look at the strikers. But it’s not right to say those guys are my role-models or whatever you may have read in the papers.'


Oh am getting very excited about Sunday now though just hope we win... :pray: When are we meeting Phil? Before? After - So i can tease you... :wink:

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when you're Bolton - you'll accept any kind of compliment!!


I can believe that Phil... :wink::lol:


This is what Thierry Henry said in the "Ooops, word censored!"nal programme vs Porto (champions league - do you know what that is Phil?! :wink: )


'There’s one thing I want to clear up from the weekend. (snip - grovelling apology from Henry - issued with arm twisted behind back and the icy stare of Wenger)


I think mr 'Enry protesteth too much... (Maybe Wenger had a word!!)



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I think mr 'Enry protesteth too much... (Maybe Wenger had a word!!)


Whatever you say Phil... :roll::roll::roll: You are of course always right...


The fact that Wenger probably wouldn't give a monkeys even if Kevin Davies was one of Henrys heroes (which quite frankly is a very laughable thought!) doesn't come into it at all does it?!


*Crawls back to sickbed laughing.... Phil! You've given me a relapse you talk such nonsense... Do you talk such 'cap in your sermons? :wink:

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I think mr 'Enry protesteth too much... (Maybe Wenger had a word!!)


Whatever you say Phil... :roll::roll::roll: You are of course always right...


The fact that Wenger probably wouldn't give a monkeys even if Kevin Davies was one of Henrys heroes (which quite frankly is a very laughable thought!) doesn't come into it at all does it?!


*Crawls back to sickbed laughing.... Phil! You've given me a relapse you talk such nonsense... Do you talk such 'cap in your sermons? :wink:



Didn't you see "Through the Keyhole" last week?? The mystery house was Thierry Henry's house - and he had a giant poster of Sir Kevin Davies on his Bedroom wall... awwwwww... bless!



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Check out how fantastically (is that a word?!) "Ooops, word censored!"nal ladies are doing at the moment! :lol::lol: And they're in the final of the UEFA cup! Sigh. If only the mens team were as good........


Premier League 2006/07

Pos. Team P W D L F A GD Pts

1 "Ooops, word censored!"nal 10 10 0 0 62 2 60 30

2 Leeds Utd 10 8 1 1 33 16 17 25

3 Charlton A. 9 7 1 1 25 11 14 22

4 Bristol A. 10 7 0 3 29 20 9 21

5 Everton 10 6 1 3 20 12 8 19

6 Chelsea 8 5 1 2 21 8 13 16

7 Birmingham C. 12 4 2 6 21 20 1 14

8 Blackburn R. 12 4 1 7 22 27 -5 13

9 Doncaster B. 10 4 1 5 14 22 -8 13

10 Sunderland 14 3 1 10 12 46 -34 10

11 Cardiff City 14 2 3 9 19 33 -14 9

12 Fulham 13 0 0 13 8 69 -61 0

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I noticed that the other day actually :)


Chelsea ladies have always been pants. "Ooops, word censored!"nal's have always been good. thank goodness this isnt the mens league :pray::lol::lol:


see there's no bolton or villa ladies... :wink:


that's because it's a man's game... :roll:


(runs to hide under the bed!)



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