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"gooner boss cool" ...isnt so cool when you walk in on a monday morning, and im usually the 1st person in after the boss so I cant escape a battering of insults if Chelsea lose.....its really bad :evil:


On the other side of the coin though, its great when we beat you on those very rare occasions (Wayne bridge classic goal in the CL at highbury springs to mind), then I go to work very happy with cfc scarves, poster etc to adorn my desk :lol::lol:


Phil and martin have been very quiet today havent they!

Martin will be quiet at the weekend too, seeing as Villa havent got a game


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On the other side of the coin though, its great when we beat you on those very rare occasions (Wayne bridge classic goal in the CL at highbury springs to mind), then I go to work very happy with cfc scarves, poster etc to adorn my desk


If you were my employee i'd sack you for that!!! :wink::lol:


Martin will be quiet at the weekend too, seeing as Villa havent got a game


Why's that then? Oh yes! The f.a cup! They're not in it anymore are they?!


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Martin and Phil are quiet tonight... OH! i know why! This coversation is about a cup neither of their teams are in!!! haha!



Yawwwnnnnn.... League Cup blah blah blah...... :roll:


I've been out in Walthamstow most of the afternoon/evening/night - doing my NVQ in professional parent support...


not time for frittering the time away with meaningless micky-mouse cups...







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s"Ooops, word censored!"ing a 2-2 draw with the spuds... desperate stuff, eh?


now... as you were saying.. that Baptista is rubbish!! couldn't hit a cow's ar*e with a banjo... :D



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Excuse me Phillip!!!


Our second team came very close to beating the spuds and but for a deflected free kick (that never should have been a free kick) we would have done! So there! :P


You're just getting some wind-up in before the weekend! :wink:


aye - did you see Toure cynically hack Lennon down in the 81st minute.. that's the "Ooops, word censored!"nal way.... :wink:



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Did you actually watch the match Phil or are you just reading the report on bbc sport or something?!


I don't blame Toure, if he let Lennon pass he could have scored, i'd rather he gave away a free kick. Anyhow he's just getting in some practice for sunday when we play the dirty northern... :wink:


Why do i always rise to the bait with you?! :?

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Did you actually watch the match Phil or are you just reading the report on bbc sport or something?!


I watched the last 15mins...


I don't blame Toure, if he let Lennon pass he could have scored, i'd rather he gave away a free kick.


I think that's called cheating.... y'see - not so different to the mighty Whites after all!




Why do i always rise to the bait with you?! Confused


I don't know, Helen - because I know where to poke?? :lol:


there's always the second leg... will he play the nippers again??



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I watched the last 15mins...


So haven't really got a clue about what happened in the game then! :wink:



gooner.girl wrote:

I don't blame Toure, if he let Lennon pass he could have scored, i'd rather he gave away a free kick.


I think that's called cheating.... y'see - not so different to the mighty Whites after all!


I don't think its cheating, its just choosing between the better of 2 evils! Goal or free kick?


Whilst i wouldn't advise any of the kids on my teams at school to do it, i know from my time playing, that sometimes it an instinctive reaction!




I don't know, Helen - because I know where to poke??


You sure do Phil! :wink: You're not so easily riled up though... :(




there's always the second leg... will he play the nippers again??


I think he will start with them but maybe have Henry et al to come off the bench if needed...

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Cor! Now that is talking about the lesser of 2 evils! Bolton... Or Spurs??!!! :cry::vom: What an awful decision to have to make eh Martin? :roll::?


Sure Villa don't want to buy him or have they finished spending this transfer window?!!!!!


O'Neil said there could be more to come!

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Wow! Last of the big spenders eh??!


Got any ideas about WHO Martin? (You're not having Freddie! :evil::wink: )


No I haven't. It's always best when transfers come as surprises. I logged onto the Villa website expecting to see Young had signed but Carew had, it made the day a bit more special, especially as Young still signed the next day!


Paul Hartley has been mentioned, but I don't know who he is.

Also some Polish striker, never heard of him, we invited him on trial but he said we had to go over to him. That put O'Neill off straight away!

I wouldn't be surprised if we bid for Joey Barton, but I don't think he'd come in January. Robbie Keane is the same, he's more likely to leave Spurs in the summer rather than now, if you know what I mean! :?:lol:

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Are you playing your strongest team on Sunday? :?


I don't know, Helen... I guess he'll bring a couple of fringe players in and he might change the formation a bit..


we like to play our thug-formation against "Ooops, word censored!"nal.. we drop Campo and bring Abdoulaye Faye into the holding role - "none shall pass!"


other than that, we don't have many options - we certainly don't have the luxury of a "second string" - we have nowhere near the sqaud-size of "Ooops, word censored!"nal - or most of the other Premiership teams (us being poor 'n all)


the depth of our squad means that our second string might have 4 changes at the most...


so you can relax - you WILL have the opportunity to see some of Bolton's greatest stars in action - I'm sure you were worried that you might not get to see some of them!! :wink:


(you won't see juffy, though - he's suspended)


Anelka is waiting to bite you!! (and you can give KD a big cheer!)





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here's a fetching picture of BigSam... phwoooaarrrr!! eh?


(I bet "Ooops, word censored!"ne wouldn't let you photograph him in his string vest!)







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get away!! I thought you were from Sheffield way... :wink:


this picture is from a documentary he did to measure the dangerous stress levels that a football manager experiences during your average premiership game.. (it was quite frightening! - it's a wonder more of them don't just drop dead on the side of the pitch...)





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