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Glad you had fun!


Actually a few of the quiz folk say they find it helpful to drink *before* the quiz. Baise-Moi, or Kissimmee as she is usually known is a really big advocate of this method and seems to win an awful lot!


You all did really well, especially considering it's the first time you've been. I know it gets a bit chaotic. You should see the madness that is keeping score ;)


Nicola, you seem to know when it's going to throw you out before it does - what does it do? I've had a couple of people that have a similar problem and they are both on narrowband. In theory it shouldn't make any difference whether you are broad or skinnyband. One of them said sometimes nothing happens for ages and then there is a big rush of posts, is that what you get?

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oh, I bet Nicola is skinny rather than broad :wink::lol:


Well, I have to admit Syd, that I got back from my swim last night and got caught up in LOST. My OH was raving about it, and I have to admit, I was gripped. I was sort of sat on the edge of my seat, waiting to get up and come and join you, but I was totally glued! It's worth a watch. Only prolem was that they stuck Big Borther in the middle of it!


I'll have a go at loading Java and see what happens - thanks for the tips xx

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Syd I have Broadband (I am not skinny at all Gina) everything just seems to stop no postings appear and then when I type it doesn't send it so then I have to refresh and log in again by which time I had missed 2 questions and it happened 4 times last night.......... :lol: Maybe downloaing Java script again will help I will give it a go later.


I actually thought somebody was having a bit of fun and chucking me out of the quiz..........Then realised it must be my connection......I think I do need something strong to drink next time I join in, it was so funny I couldn't type for laughing at the other answers and then I missed a question.....Thanks Syd :lol::lol::lol:

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