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I've just noticed the number of users online thingy at the very bottom of the forum page...(hello Kate and Trish!!).How interesting to see who is there in cyberspace, reading and typing away at the same time as you!

Wouldn't it be good if you could have a real time chat with them, whilst they're there, a la chat room I guess, or MSN. I also noticed that there was once 25 people all online at one time. Why don't we all agree to try and be online at a certain time and see if we can beat that record??

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Gorgeous, but very blowy. Just moved the girls onto their weekly new bit of grass. The donkeys are never happy about this...it is THEIR paddock after all!! They always have a big "face off" through the bars of the run once the Eglu is in its new position. The girls aren't intimidated at all. They go right up to the bars and look back into those ginormous brown eyes, as if to say "So, what are you going to do about it eh"?! Why we call people "chicken" I'll never know!!

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If anyone wants to get together for a real time online chat, I have a chatroom on my website (www.sydneytheduck.com and follow the link to the Quack Room) that is empty most of the time apart from 9-10 on a Wednesday night when I run a quiz in there (which you are also quite welcome to attend).


It's a Java chatroom, so you will need that installed to use it, but I think it tells you if you don't have it and how to get it when you visit the page. It's best to arrange a time if you want to meet up in there though or you might find yourself sitting there on your own for hours!



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Thanks for that Syd we tried to get a chat room on the forum a while ago, but went for the nesting box instead online chat sounds good fun.........I would be up for it if others are interested we would need to set a time and day. I know some of the other forums have this and it seems to work quite well, but one of the concerns is how will it be moderated......I think that was the reason we didn't get one on this forum.


I am tempted to join in with your quiz though is it just General Knowledge....... :D

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Yes, sounds great. I usually check to see who's online at the same time as me :) I'm definitely up for a bit of cyber chat, Omlet or Syd the Duck's (love the idea of a quiz, but not keen on revealing my ignorance :oops: ) I have problems during the day (work :roll: ), and evenings before 9 I'm fighting for computer time (children & MSN/ Habbo Hotel :roll: ), but after 9 no probs, before 9 give me some notice and I'll resort to bribery :shock: . But I'm off on my hols soon-ish. So, next week?

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Thanks for that Syd we tried to get a chat room on the forum a while ago, but went for the nesting box instead online chat sounds good fun.........I would be up for it if others are interested we would need to set a time and day. I know some of the other forums have this and it seems to work quite well, but one of the concerns is how will it be moderated......I think that was the reason we didn't get one on this forum.


I am tempted to join in with your quiz though is it just General Knowledge....... :D


The other forum I post on regularly has the same problem, Nicola. It's a magic website and one of the rules of the forum is no magical exposure, so they couldn't have a chat room as they wouldn't be able to moderate it. That's how my chat room ended up being the un-official meeting place of people from that forum. It's only used for quizzes and the occasional virtual birthday party now though.


I should warn anyone thinking of attending the quiz that we get a variety of people and ages from the other forum and it can get a little um...rude at times. I try not to moderate too heavily there, so I only kick people out if they are being a nuisance, spamming, abusing other users etc. I've only have to kick 2 people out in the couple of years I've been doing it, and one of those was my cousin! (I thought she was a bit too young and she wouldn't leave ;)) The room does come with a language filter, but that's switched off at the moment because people complained about freedom of speech :lol: Having read that last paragraph, I've possibly given the wrong impression of the quizzers here, but they're a lovely friendly bunch and very funny too. I thought I'd better mention the occasional raucousness though, in case anyone here is of a sensitive disposition!


The quiz can move quite fast if you're not used to chat rooms so if you want to come along and just watch at first, that's also fine. The room holds 25 and we usually get 14-20 people in there so there should be enough space I think,


The quiz is general knowledge and is just for fun - no-one takes it seriously at all. We were thinking about having special quizzes (inclusing a Harry Potter one) but these will probably be on a different day, if we ever get around to them. Most of the time I'm QuizMistress, but occasionally someone else will have a go. You'll know if it's not me 'cos I'll be in as 'sydneytheduck' instead of QuizMistress.


Anyway! Is 9pm tomorrow (Monday 8th) suitable for an Omleteer chat?

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Hi Syd yes I am up for 9pm tomorrow Monday I am also a complete novice and haven't got a clue how you go about using a live chat room but I learn fast and will give it a go...........Is anybody else up for it......Come on it should be fun... :lol:


Syd do we have to register first...........

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The only thing that would get you kicked out would be spamming (copy and pasting something irrelevant over and over so it fills the room up and no-one can get a word in) and being nasty to someone else for No Good Reason, neither of which I'll need to worry about I'm sure ;)


For Quiz Rules, there is a link at the bottom of the chat page.


You don't have to register to use the chat room - that was put in as an option to prevent anyone pretending to be other people by using their name in chat. This gives you the option of 'reserving' your name.


I'm in there now if anyone is around and wants a test run :)

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Just wanted to say a big thank you to Sydtheduck for hosting the quack room on her web site last night it was great fun having a live chat on line and very easy to use..........Kate A, myself and Syd were the only ones on last night but it would be nice to arrange another chat room session and more people could join in, I know Gina was trying to find us...... :lol:


Come on you lot if Syd is kind enough to let us use her chat room it would be great fun to have more people on line, it is funny when you all try to talk at once and I got chucked out twice I didn't use any bad language honest............. :lol::lol:


Thanks again Syd I really enjoyed talking to you and KateA....... :lol:

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