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Nicola H

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There is a new T.V. series starting called "Grow your own veg." first episode is tomorrow night Friday January the 5th @ 8.30PM on BBC 2 looks good. Carol Klien tries to prove that anyone can grow organic veg. at home, starting with potatoes................The book to accompany the series is out on the 1st of Feb. and is available to reserve on Amazon........... :lol:

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She's not very hot on hard facts is she? Perhaps it is a ploy to get you to buy her book? :roll:


.......and the lady with the new garden - they went back to see and she'd planted it all up and we didn't learn anything from her.


A pleasant half hour - but nothing much to learn. I hope it provides some encouragement?

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She's not very hot on hard facts is she? Perhaps it is a ploy to get you to buy her book? :roll:

I wondered that too :?


A pleasant half hour - but nothing much to learn. I hope it provides some encouragement?


It does encourage me, but mine will be more in pots than beds, I have got out my books: "The Container specialist" and "The Edible Container Garden" with a view to making a plan.... Last year I knew we were moving in the summer so it didn't encourage me to really get going....

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