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The Good Life - part3

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No Martin - you need to work hard at school............. get a good job......... :wink:

Carl will tell you that (He's in his early 40's as well)

Jimmy (Jimmy's farm) is in his 20s (I presume) and gave up his PhD. Maybe I should give up my PhD, start a farm rather than getting a real job and waiting until my 40s. :wink:


Did I miss something Martin....? (green eglu)GNRGNR

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Lesley, every time I go awol from the forum for a few days I return to find that you've extended your livestock again 8)

Sheep now :D . They look adorable.

I am just so impressed with all that you and Carl have achieved. I'm so inspired by you both. One day I hope that I'll be able to do something similar..... until then I'll just keep watching you with interest and just a little tinge of envy :roll::D:D:D

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If you ever see anything remotely suitable Kate then my advice is 'go for it'


We're not in an ideal situation as we still haven't sold our house and have both mortgage and bridging loan which is a bit of a killer. I've learnt over the years that you never know what is round the next corner.


It will be 4 years on 10th Dec since I slipped on ice and badly damaged my knee - from hiking up mountains one day to being laid up in plaster the next, 4 months in a wheelchair and having to learn to walk again.


I still find it difficult to walk and can't kneel down or run but I'd never have forgiven myself if we hadn't gone for this. I can do it although not as easily as I would wish - but I could have been a lot worse off (and I still don't know what might be around the next corner :roll: ).......


..... and it's good practise for getting back up those mountains :wink:

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If you ever see anything remotely suitable Kate then my advice is 'go for it'


We're not in an ideal situation as we still haven't sold our house and have both mortgage and bridging loan which is a bit of a killer. I've learnt over the years that you never know what is round the next corner.


It will be 4 years on 10th Dec since I slipped on ice and badly damaged my knee - from hiking up mountains one day to being laid up in plaster the next, 4 months in a wheelchair and having to learn to walk again.


I still find it difficult to walk and can't kneel down or run but I'd never have forgiven myself if we hadn't gone for this. I can do it although not as easily as I would wish - but I could have been a lot worse off (and I still don't know what might be around the next corner :roll: ).......


..... and it's good practise for getting back up those mountains :wink:





Lesley - you truly are an inspiration - it would have been far to easy to give it all up and take the easy option / quiet life - but well done you!



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