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Coffee Makers

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Has anyone got one of those new coffee makers that makes coffee from a little pod?


I quite fancy the Dolce Gusto one,because the shape of it reminds me of a scutter from Red Dwarf.But my instincts are telling me that the one George Clooney advertised will be good too :wink:


I would love to hear the thoughts on anyone who has one................

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Well, the Dolce Gusto is made by Nescafe, so the pods are Nescafe too.

And there are varients ......Cappicino, Esspresso, & so on.


Other machines are made by other coffee makers, who sell their own pods of their own coffee to go in the machine, but I like Nescafe most anyway.

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I've just had a look at the link Sarah.....£88.00 :shock: Are you sure a whisk wouldn't do the same! That said though, I don't appreciate coffee, as I don't like the taste. I imagine for coffee lovers it's a great gadget.


I wonder why Amazon have recommended Tiger Woods as a perfect companion to the Coffee Pod :?

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They do look interesting Sarah, but I've got to admit being a bit of a cynic in that I think they're a clever way of making sure that you keep buying Nescafe (or whatever) products as I don't think that the pods are interchangeable.

For that reason they don't really appeal to me, I'm quite happy with my cafetiere and whisk (and instant for the lazy moments :roll: ), and I can buy which ever coffee appeals to me at the time. I am a bit of a coffee addict I have to confess, and have a wide collection of coffee at home, including some gorgeous smelling beans that one of hubby's friends gave him yesterday, a gift from his recent holiday in Colombia :shock::D:D . I'm looking forward to trying those 8) .

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I just like the idea of them, & the fact that the children can make hot chocolate & so forth without having to boil a kettle.


That's definitely a point in their favour Sarah, I'd not thought of that, but it sounds as if it could be a safer option for youngsters than a kettle of boiling water every time they want a hot drink.

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We had a tassimo for Christmas 2005. It does Kenco coffee which tastes OK and the kids love the Suchard hot Chocolate that it does - it does froth a little bit but not a lot - and you can adjust water for the size of cup. So yes we use it, but not all the time ( I'm a teabag in a cup girl myself!!) :oops:

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We love coffee! I didn't like the idea of not being able to vary my coffees. I bought an espresso/cappuchino/filter coffee machine for £25 off ebay and we use it all the time! I'm currently on a bag of cafedirect organic fairtrade Macchu Picchu coffee. Rich but not bitter - delicious!


I've also used the cappuchino attachment to make frothy hot chocolate for the kids, which it does brilliantly (don't use it for cappuchinos - we like ours strong and black :shock: )


At the end of the day, it depends what your priorities are - but they do seem expensive (unless you can get a cheap one from ebay :roll: )

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I refuse to buy Nescafe or any product by Nestle, as they are without doubt, one of the worst companies for exploiting the third world. What they do in India regarding new mothers is disgusting, (see here if you want to) so no Nescafe or Toblerone ( :cry: ) or other Nestle products for me.....


As regards those pod machines: The cartons are really expensive and lots of environmental waste with the manufacture and disposal of the plastic cups. :?


We have a fab Dualit coffee maker: You can do "normal" coffee ie espresso. It has a wand for frothy stuff and if you want to be lazy and not use ground coffee, you can load it with "cafepods" which are like coffee tea bags: exactly the same as the Nescafe things, but nowhere near as expensive..... availiable from here.


Its FAB! I would recommend it to everybody!

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Ooh, thanks for that link Annie! Mine's a DeLonghi and I can use those pods in it! I've never seen them before - will give them a try.


PS - I also try to boycott Nestle for the same reason (a little difficult as OH worked for them many years ago and gets a pension from them, so can't avoid them completely!)

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PS - I also try to boycott Nestle for the same reason (a little difficult as OH worked for them many years ago and gets a pension from them, so can't avoid them completely!)

Me too (not the pensions bit) but I always forget what products are theirs. I never use cow and gate baby stuff though as I do remember them

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I refuse to buy Nescafe or any product by Nestle, as they are without doubt, one of the worst companies for exploiting the third world. What they do in India regarding new mothers is disgusting, (see here if you want to) so no Nescafe or Toblerone ( :cry: ) or other Nestle products for me.....


I've always wanted to say this....


'I've got the T-Shirt' :lol: (buy one here)


(I think it was Sheila that bought it to my attention when I was pregnant)


We avoid anything Nestle or Nescafe, amongst other things....


I'm liking that gadget Lesley for frothy hot chocolates though.

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