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Guest Poet

has anyone got a moped/scooter?

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by the way, don't they give you respect when you're pretty in pink? Do they only respect you if they think you're a rough, tough, hairy bloke? ;)

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You wait til you've ridden in the rain and cold and then get home and jump in the bath to warm up and can't actually feel your legs, even though they've gone red :lol: Oh sorry, I shouldn't have said that - I don't want to put you off! Actually, if you're pootling around town, you won't ever get that cold, honest!


Pink leathers? Here ya go :lol: By the way, this is NOT me - it's a stock photo!




I Paid £99 for the jacket (as it's discontinued) in George Whites Factory Outlet and £115 for the trousers at the BMF Show in Peterborough last year. Here's my black leather jacket - I can recommend Hein Gericke, if you have one near you. Good kit, good quality, good price - and the Hairy Bikers wear their gear too :lol: My only complaint is it doesn't have enough pockets!




I can also recommend M&P and J&S Accessories are good too and they have an ebay shop - but whatever you do, make sure you try kit on in a shop first (even if you've seen something on the internet - for example, my pink lid is a small but my black scooter lid is an XXS! The sizes across the different brands vary :shock: )





One last, really important tip... when you get your gear on, don't EVER ask "Does my bum look big in this?" cos flattering it aint! Even the armoured jeans add about 2inches to your hip measurement :lol:


PS Night night sleepy head! It'll get easier and it'll all "click" soon :)


P.P.S. Another tip - don't put your mobile in an outside pocket and then ride in the rain. I had to dry my mobile out in the airing cupboard and now the # key dials the internet :lol:

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As I'm only using a scooter for tootling, I'm not prepared to fork out that sort of money at the moment but thank you for the advice :D


Poet, I wish you joy of your scooter and I hope you have many happy hours tootling on it, but when you get it please treat it with the respect it deserves. It's a common misconception that scooters are somehow 'safer' than bikes because they don't go as fast or because they are only going to be used for local journeys. Sadly that misconception has cost some people their lives and left others with serious injuries. I'm not trying to put you off, scooters and bikes can be tremendous fun - but you can't put a price on your safety.

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No I'm not a facebooker but you can always get me here :)


I promise you, it's not the BIKE that's dangerous but the traffic around you (mostly cars and taxis - lorries and buses will respect you and your space). Your CBT will give you the confidence to control the machine and will start you off with the 6th sense :) Like I say, you can drive so you are almost there, you know the rules of the road so just need to be like Worzel Gummidge and put a biking head on... it's like a different way of thinking, a different view of the road, you kind of get into a mindset of prediction and anticipation! You'll also start watching out even more for potholes :lol:


If you were closer, I'd take you out for a spin! And lend you some of my spare kit :lol: (I have a wardrobe full of it!)


Enjoy your CBT. Don't think of it as a test - it's NOT (it's actually called Basic Training), it's a COURSE to show you how to control your machine and ride safely on the roads :) And the instructors are fab ;)


This is all so true - relax, enjoy it, and you'll be fine!


I've got a Weiss jacket which is really nice, and a lovely pink Nolan lid. Husband is doing DAS at the moment and he got Frank Thomas kit which fits beautifully (and hello, HAWT) - it's not leather; kevlar instead. I'd definitely recommend going into an outfitters, explaining what you're riding and letting them sort you out.


Once we can afford it I'm doing my DAS too and getting a 300cc or so Vespa :D Husband is making me envious!

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well, I've bought this helmet




and this jacket




I wanted a pink jacket but they didn't have one in my size :(


There isn't nearly as much choice for women as there is for men in motorcycle wear.


Ian has got this jacket in khaki and it's gorgeous, very 'scooter-ish'




and this helmet with bluetooth! :roll:




we both got gloves too

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thank you :D

we got most of it from j&s accessories in northwich which was bursting at the seams with bikers today, something called 'thundersprint' on!

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well, just thought I'd let you know, I didn't pass my CBT. On my third attempt, I was doing a U turn (well more of a V turn in my case!) i turned at too sharp an angle and fell over sideways, the bike landed on my leg, pinning me down (wow, they're heavy!). The instructor wanted me to get back on and carry on but I couldn't even walk.


This was on the 30th may.


I've had a very badly bruised leg/ankle for a few weeks and it's still tender now.


I've decided not to try again because it's too heavy for me and to be honest, my legs are too long and my knees get in the way of the handle bars but I gave it a shot so I've no regrets.


Ian passed and has been going to work and back on 'our' new scooter and loving it, especially when the sun is out and the football is on (as the roads are nice and quiet :D )


Here he is, posing! :roll::lol:




Anyone wanna buy a helmet and jacket? :roll:

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Aww, Justine, so sorry you didn't pass :( Well done you for giving it a go though, you are braver than me!


Can Ian take passengers? Don't sell the jacket and helmet until you are sure you won't ever give it a go though.


Sorry to hear about the injury, sending gentle (((((hugs)))) your way.


thanks claire xxx


no, sadly Ian can't take passengers unless he takes the full motorbike test (which is very expensive). He may take it eventually.

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Oh I'm sorry it didn't work out for you Poet, you're braver than me though. I've joined a lady bikers forum even though I'm just a pillion and they all go on about becoming a rider instead but I don't think its me (not just yet anyway)! At least you tried. I would hold on to your stuff though in case your OH decides to take the full test. :D

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Well Poet, please don't dispare whatever you do... You should consider getting a cheap convertible sports car that you can bomb about in while your OH darts about on the bike....


My OH has a sports bike which I dislike terribly and we came to a compromise that I got a convertible sports car and he could keep his bike and now on lovely summers days/evenings he goes out on his bike and me out in the car with the wind in my hair and we meet at country pubs to enjoy a drink or a meal..


It works quite well so maybe you could consider that - all is not lost. :wink:

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.....................or how about a bigger bike for Ian,plus a sidecar?

I could see you in a sidecar,with some goggles on....very cool,PLUS you get to drink,while he drives :clap::lol:


Hubby has several motorbikes,each louder,faster,nosier & more scary than the next.

You wouldn't get me on one for love nor money :?

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Oh dear, I hope your leg feels better soon.


I did my CBT and theory test a few years ago but never got around to doing the practical part - I'd have to do the whole lot again now and I'm not sure if I ever will.


OH has several bikes, ES has a bike and DD has a scooter (we owe her a bike for her birthday 3 weeks ago but can't afford one at the moment :roll: ).


Let Ian do the test and then take you out, I still love riding pillion with OH just don't get the chance very often.


Lisa P

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