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Martin B

I feel old! Thankyou.

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I don't know if anyone has noticed but today is my 1 year anniversary on the forum! 1 WHOLE year. I can't believe it! It only seems like yesterday that I joined. Little did I know that 1 year ago I was to make so many new people all with similar interests to me!

It's amazing and I would like to thank you all for making it that!


Thanks again,



365 day - 7100 posts (so far) :lol:

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Congratulations on your forum anniversary Martin


Time flies when you're having fun :D


I would like to echo what Kate said you are a very lovely, enthusiastic and polite young man and it always a pleasure to meet up with you


Hope to see you at Jimmys

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Of course!


Just to let everyone know that I won't be around too much at Jimmy's. I am going to do Jimmy's with my family this time, I felt a bit guilty last time dragging them all that way and then not seeing them much. I still should have time to see you all!

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