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This is my latest creation. I'm nowhere near as talented as Liz as i can only knit squares, patterns are beyond me. Still, it makes me use my imagination. I just wish i had somewhere to sell the things i knit. I had a look at Etsy but i would rather there was a version of that in this country.


These next pictures are of my funky bunnies which Abi, my daughter loves.






Sorry they are links, i couldn't work out how to post images :roll:

Brain not working this morning :wink:

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Lesley, they're not very hard to make. It's a bit of a cheat really, as it's only actually made of squares that you shape when stitching it together! It's out of this Australian knitting book, named Knit a square, make a toy!


Love the chickens Helly Welly, they are very cool!

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