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New Chicken blues

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This might seem like a bizarre question, but has anyone else on the forum had problems bonding with their new chickens? We loved our original two hens (GNR and PP) immediately and they were very docile and easy to tame from the start. When one of them died we acquired two new hens (a bluebelle and a speckledy). These two have now settled in with the GNR but refuse to come anywhere near us or even come up for food (unheard of with the original two). They appear to be very flighty and freak out at the slightest noise, whereas the GNR is permanantly sticking her beak into everything that is going on (and we love her for it). I know its relatively early days (about 3 weeks now) but its not seeming to get any better. How can we let them know we're friendly when the food bribes don't work?!

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If they are not laying yet they are usually a little more flighty. My two new ones are just the same.


I am hoping that as I am "forcing" them to be held for a couple of minutes each day that they will soon love me as much as I love them - it does seem to be getting better :)

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I agree with the laying theory - if they are not laying yet, they will be more aloof and flighty. Mine underwent a complete personality change about a week before they started laying, following me round, not running away as much. Now they are all docile and soppy :D That's when their real personalities come out as well - I'm sure yours will come round soon! :D

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