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little Red Hen

Eglu & chicks arrived!!!

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Took delivery of a green eglu + 2 chicks yesterday. So far so good. Seem to be settling in ok and have been putting themselves to bed ok. Dog doesn't seem too bothered by them. Quite a few squidgy poos but by reading other peoples posts, this is to be be expected in the first few days. Glad I ordered a spare set of roosting bars as I quckly swapped over the dirty for the clean before work. Not sure if the the chicks may have mites as they arrived with white powder/dried liquid over them? Is it standard for Omlet to give them a quick powdering before delivery? I have tried to examine them but as I'm a novice , just holding them is a bit tricky let alone trying to examine under their wings and vent! Maybe Omlet do just powder them ?

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Hi little red hen. Can't answer about omlet hens as mine are from elsewhere but I am just down the road from you outside Haslemere so howdy neighbour 8) If you fancy a cup of tea and a chickie chat you'd be very welcome....

Good luckwith everything


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Hi Little Red Hen and welcome to the forum!


If you are even slightly concerned, give Omlet a quick ring - they'll be able to put your mind at ease, and confirm if the chooks were given a quick dusting before delivery.

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Congrats on the new arrivals.


I just ordered my Eglu, but I will have to sorce the chooks locally (outside delivery area).


I'll soon be part of the flock too.

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Hi & welcome.


I ordered spare roosting bars to come with my new eglu a few weeks ago. Great idea.


I scrubbed the bars every other day as they did so much poo. I wondered if I was set for a life of bar scrubbing. But now we are not wallowing in poo, and my daily lawn inspection is getting easier. There is hope......


Congrats on the new arrivals.

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Thanks for your replies. Everything still going well and they are looking eager to come out of the run and explore the garden. The Eglu man said to wait until Saturday evening. Can't wait. The children have called the brown hen "Rosie" and the black one "Shadow". Unfortunately I'm not able to post any pics as I don't have the necessary bits to load onto the computer. They are of course very cute!

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The girls as I call them did get let out for the first time on Saturday. They were keen to come out and have an explore but didn't wander too far away from the eglu. Each day they seem to venture that little bit further away. They came down onto the patio today and tried to have a nosey through the kitchen back door! I'm amazed how quickly they seem to be settling in.

All the best with your arrivals on Tuesday. I see that you too have gone for the green eglu. Do let me know how you get on.

(Oh yes, one tip I was given which I've found useful is to line the droppings tray with newspaper.)

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Congratulations on your new arrivals. It always amazes me how quickly they want to start coming indoors :lol: They certainly think they should be allowed in as part of the family. I have one of the old yellow eglus and although I have to change the roosting bars and the shade the rest of the eglu and run is in perfect condition. I find the shade needs changing yearly as they love standing on top of the run and it gets shredded. I also line the droppings tray with newspaper - it makes it so much easier.


Enjoy your girls.

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Welcome Little Red Hen.


Your chickens do seem to be settling in well. Aren't they fun?


I''m expecting a second Eglu (a green cube) in a couple of weeks so I'm in that excited dreamy state.


Great to see more Eglu owners in the South. You are quite close by.


Enjoy your chickens



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