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Cate in NZ

Big Chicken 2007

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Thought it might be a bit too subtle for anyone to notice....


The rumour around Big Chicken HQ is that it will all kick off in about a months time, so the rumour mill has gone into overdrive - Big Chicken felt it was only fair to keep you updated with the rumours over the next few weeks!

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I was going to give you the link to Big Chicken 2006, but I can't find it. It must have been deleted during a forum tidy up.


Never mind.......


Big Chicken runs in parrallel to Big Brother, and is run by the production team 'Eggemol'. It has all the features you love to hate in Big Brother - Housemates, evictions and interviews with Davina McCaw, fights, tears, laughter and love only with the added bonus of egg laying, mealworms, hemcore and feather plucking.

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:oops: er yes I confess every time I've seen it I've assumed you are slandering the worthy gentleman in the photo underneath and thought it best not to pry.........




I never have anything but good to say about the sexy Mr Seaman!

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