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Does anyone elses dog enjoy eating the chiccken poo. When we open the eggport or the run the dogs are there hoovering up around us. They enjoy it as much as horse poo on walks which we anticipate and discourage.


Difficult to avoid with the chickens who free range. Certainly keeps the garden clear, but will it do them any harm :?:




ps Sorry this is a repeat as I posted to the wrong forum :oops:

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yes our dog is partial to chicken poo.....but she knows mummy and daddy says its naughty so often does it when we are out of sight and she sometimes forgets and does it in front of us :vom:


We have a visiting JR terrier :evil: courtesy of the inlaws - with us for 2 weeks and she has been converted to chicken poo also. :roll:


my old german shepherd used to love wolfing down cat poo :vom::vom:

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My dogs definitely loved the chicken poo initially. . .I would even catch them going into the 'Lu to hunt for more.


I think they have sort of gotten over it. . .they don't seem to be going for it as much. Maybe they realized they couldn't keep up!


Speaking of poo. . .I LOVE that my girls are cool being out most of the day. Makes the mess in the Eglu much less work! Just have to spray the patio off at least once a day and the 'lu stays relatively clean as the girls basically only use it to sleep.


It FINALLY stopped raining here, and the sun is out. . .so I'm off to do the BIG clean and pull everything apart, scrub it down and let it dry in the sun.


Have a marvelous day!!

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Roise is obsessed with chook poo. She knows it is not allowed and will steal it and then dart of across the allotment with it. Worryingly she has recently added horse poo to her diet too!! She is on a diet poor thing and obviously feels she needs more nutrients - also that the sight of me prising dried chook poo from her mouth is quite funny too :roll:

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Hi Paolo, I was on holiday with my married daughter and we saw a tiny puppy all alone outside the Taj Mahal. After 3 days she decided she wanted to bring it home. I told her to ring her husband and she did and he said it was up to her (thinking it would never happen and to argue would only encourage her :lol: ). Anyway after loads of red tape and lots of young street lads and tour guides helping we smuggled her into a 5 star hotel (she was tiny, skin and bone and covered in fleas) and eventually had her flown back. Six months in quarantine and then eventually, guess what, she ended up living with me :roll: She is incredibly loyal and amazing with people but not so good with other dogs. When I walk her off lead I have to put a muzzle on her as I can't be sure she won't have a go at them. I have since got a labrador and they adore each other but I can't let her near the chickens as to her they would be food! I have taken her to training but they say she won't get any better with other dogs as she has a latent feral nature. She is so good with us as she sees me as the leader of the pack and always wants to please me.Shame the rest of the family don't see me in the same light. :lol: I could not imagine life without her now.

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I know, I think it ended up costing about £3000!!!!! This is the same daughter that when she was living at home kept buying kittens cos as she put it 'we don't have one that colour'!!!!! At one point I had 5 cats :roll:

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I know, I think it ended up costing about £3000!!!!! This is the same daughter that when she was living at home kept buying kittens cos as she put it 'we don't have one that colour'!!!!! At one point I had 5 cats :roll:


OMG :shock::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::wink:

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