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beach chick

1st clean: what I have learnt...

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1. do not attempt to carry poo tray to adjacent compost heap in high winds

2. accept that 'powerwash' does not mean feeble trickle from hose because you can't find nozzle attachment ANYWHERE

3. invest in washing up and/or scrubbing brush

4. invest in full wet weather gear

5. accept that you will use reams of kitchen towel to dry eglu because sun has gone in, thus also depriving eglu of bug-killing UV rays

6. accept that chickens will poo on newly cleaned items as way of regaining their territory

7. do not attempt ANY of the above while wearing flipflops

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hmm, no.4 is the one that strikes a chord with me - I always get soaking. I shut mine in the run with the Eglu door closed, otherwise I'd never get it done.


I bought a flowerpot scrubbing brush from a DIY store - does the job.

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Very funny! No 1 especially.


Muddy footprints on a spanking clean Eglu are very annoying.


Can I add do not leave ubiquitous B&Q bucket full of clean aubiose unattended as one of the hens will try to perch on the side and will spill the lovely fresh Aubiose all over the place. You do this at least 3 times before you remember.


Oh...and do not put the linch pin down without making a mental note of its location.

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Slightly embarrassing to admit to but I am guilty of...............

Number 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and especially Number 7!! :oops:

Always end up with shredded paper and tons of kitchen roll blowing around the garden, soaking wet, feet sliding about in my flip flops and wishing that I could be more organised so that Eglu cleaning is 'easy' not a disorganised chaotic ordeal which I seem to make it!! LOL


Are crocs so popular because of people's experience's with flip flops??(dangerous when wet) :D

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Very funny! No 1 especially.


Muddy footprints on a spanking clean Eglu are very annoying.


Can I add do not leave ubiquitous B&Q bucket full of clean aubiose unattended as one of the hens will try to perch on the side and will spill the lovely fresh Aubiose all over the place. You do this at least 3 times before you remember.


Oh...and do not put the linch pin down without making a mental note of its location.

Definately :oops:

Chickens will dive on any aubiose and kick around the garden, even the tray full of poo and aubiose you've just removed :vom:

I bought waterproof trousers just for the chickens :oops: and only wear walking boots to walk in the chicken area (even in dressing gown). :lol:


Chickens will also delibrately stand in the run when you start scaping out aubiose with a rake and look slightly confused :eh:

They will also escape when you are walking in and out of the run.

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My Girls arrived on Wednesday, Amber and Ginger. They decided (for it must have been both of them from the quantity) that the nest recess must be some new fangled form of hen toilet. Said recess now houses an unturned plant pot till they come to the point of lay. How well designed everything is came straight to light when I had to 'flush' for them. Dirty devils ! Oh, and I shut them out of the house while I did all this, much to their consternation, all of a sudden the one place they HAD to be was in the house. Lots of pecking at the door and clucking ensued, but I was firm with them. Till I had cleaned up and got my Marigolds off, the roost was OFF LIMITS. :lol:

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