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No...me too...he is a twerp....but he did bring up Jennifer's brats so under the circs the least she could do is look out for poor Ruari....he is Alice's half brother after all.


(I only listen once a week....to the Omnibus....a sure sign of impending middle age)

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don't forget, as well as him taking on Jennifer's two kids when he married her, she hasn't exactly been as pure as the driven snow. Remember when she met up with Roger Travers-Macy again a few years ago, and we heard rustling of sheets in a motel?


Having said that, Brian has been a bit of a rake. Still, it's clear that she's going to say yes when it comes to it, she might as well put us all out of our misery.


Sorry Martin, you mean it's sad that Siobhan is so ill, obviously. I'm sure you wouldn't dare to cast scorn on our obsession with this everyday tale of country folk. :wink:

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Good I'm glad I'm not the only one to think Jennifer needs to take a good hard look at herself.


(I only listen once a week....to the Omnibus....a sure sign of impending middle age)
I hope not, I started listening aged 11 - that was 27 years ago. I listen daily and record it when I have to be out.
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Well, he is still very young and so his accent will have been mainly influenced by his mother. I know he had various childminders, but he probably wasn't spending enough time with them for it to have much influence on his accent yet.

Besides, its probably quite hard to find a child actor capable of doing a mixed Irish/German accent :D

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Any one else think Adam and Ian will "adopt" Ruari in the end? :wink:


Good Idea....and then Adam won't get into a sulk about inheriting things...as he will be able to pass the inheritance on to Ruari...and have a shot at bringing up a child....Get onto the script writers asap!

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Sorry if you got the opinion I thought the Archer's was rubbish Annie!!!


I meant that in the great scheme of the world and other important things you weren't missing much if you don't know what's going on.


I don't think you would have liked the rather odd housemate my brother used to live with-she banned the Archer's when she lived there!

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Any one else think Adam and Ian will "adopt" Ruari in the end? :wink:


Nah ......... Brian's barely repressed homophobia won't allow it. He'd be worried they might 'influence' him. I loathe Brian.

Mind you, there aren't many Archers characters I do like. Caroline and Clarrie are I think the only ones who haven't really annoyed me in the 20 :oops: years I've been listening.

Who do you all dislike, and why?

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