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Hen Watch

My chooks.....and me.....

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Hi everyone.


With Jamie's helpful posts, I've finally worked out this photo lark (sort of).


I thought I would post some pics to introduce myself properly. Even though I only got my chooks 5 weeks ago I seem to have really got into this chicken lark and this forum is addictive (see how many posts I've made already !!!).


Anyway, this is me. Here is Stella the new chook. We did not clip her wings like we did with the others. The pecking order was a bit fierce when we introduced her but she could "fly" out of their way. Well, this is where she landed......Didn't realise they could get that high.




First week, we found out new hens like shoelaces. They are wiser now though.




This is my 4 having a comunal dust bath a few days ago.




My daughter planted her little flowers out at lunchtime last weekend. In the pot is the "before chooks" plant, by tea time they were stalks.....very tasty..... They didn't touch the geraniums though..




The 3 Omlet "girls" free ranging..... or should I say muck spreading my lawn (so much poo....)




So glad I got them. Katy.

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