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a girls day out. . .

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I think I saw some other pics from someone who had chickens that looked very similar to my girls. Can you tell me what breeds they are?


I just picked up a new chicken book today "Keeping Chickens" by Hobson & Lewis. . .very nice book.


I feel so lucky to have my two girls. . .I feel even luckier that they get along fine with my 4 dogs. When I got chickens that was my biggest worry, and I thought they may only get time out of the Eglu when supervised.


However, They LIVE outside the Eglu and that is their just bedroom basically. . .it's so fun.


When I tell friends that I have chickens they are amazed that they co-exist with the dogs & cats. . .


I think it's an "energy" thing. . .if you put out the energy that you are worried about that. . .the dogs pick up on it and it is a problem. I also think that raising the girls since they were chicks gave the dogs & the girls supervised/safe time together as they grew was good, so once they were grown. . .it was natural that they would be good together.


anyway. . .

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they have blossomed into real beauties !! :)


I think your'e right about the dog/chicken thing...our 2 girls have grown up with our big German Shepherd dog since they were small babies (8 weeks) and both dog and chickens are very happy together....people do not believe it when they see them together happily in the garden :shock:

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Hi, your black/white one looks a bit like a Maran, and the brown one could be a Gingernut Ranger type hybrid (name depends on breeder I think)? I am sure someone with more chicken knowledge will be along shortly!


If you look at the top of the page there is a button with breeds on it. Have a look and see what you think :wink:

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