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Chicken Kitty

Any experience of Araucana bantams?....

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I always get so :mrgreen: when I read people posting about how productive their Araucanas are.


I had 2 Lavender Araucana pullets in July 2008. They didn't lay at all until Spring 2009 and I had a reasonable amount of eggs from the one who sadly died a while ago. Her sister is still with me. She laid 100 eggs in 2009, 5 eggs in 2010 and hasn't laid anything at all for over a year.


Very pretty, but totally useless IMHO! :roll:

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Not a bantam but my beloved Rosie is a full-sized black Araucana and not only is she wonderfully friendly, following me around like a dog when I'm in the garden, she was also the first to lay and has provided me with 8 beautiful light blue eggs in her first 12 days of laying :D


My (cube purple) is full at the moment but if I ever had the space or requirement to get another chicken then I would definately get another Araucana :)

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I have banties and one is a lavender araucana. :!: she is the head chuck and is stroppy , very broody and laid a total of 30 lovely blue eggs , all year, she is moulting now and is bad tempered, normally i can pick her up for a cuddle which she seems to enjoy but not atm.

my fav is my welsummer she has laid without fail until the moult , so she has earned her rest . I lost my frizzle late spring , so got 2 brown leghorns and a blackrock/silkie cross in the summer to boost the numbers for a winter in the cube.

What a beautiful bird my blackrock cross is , she is just laying these last two weeks, she is placid and gentle , a bit shy of a cuddle but she likes to be near me , i just love her to bits .

I don't have any nastiness with any of them, just a squawk and a chase and that is it , telling off done . Not sure i would have another araucana though.

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