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Books that move you

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I've sat and read most of the day . . so i could finish The Girl in the Red Coat by Roma Ligocka. It has moved me to tears. The only other book I've read that moved me was Blackbird - Childhood Lost by Jennifer Lauck. I think this has something to do with not knowing my mother and mourning the loss of not ever knowing her.


What books have moved you?

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A town like Alice, by Neville Shute.

Wont watch the film, as I;ve built my own pictures

Same for Bridges of Madison County.


And a little known book called Walking Ollie.

I was in floods. Read it before getting our own dog, and it really made me realise how very fragile dogs are, in all ways.

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Oh, I'm often moved to tears by books - the first one I can remember was 'Black Beauty'!


I don't really enjoy 'mis lit' books though - you know, stories about the author's abusive upbringing and hard times. I don't know why but it doesn't make the same impact on me as a really good novel, that can make you reflect on the issues it covers.


I'd nominate 'To Kill a Mockingbird' in this category.

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I bawled my eyes out when I read 'The Road' then I watched the film and nearly gave up on life!!! ooh lots of others..'The shadow of the wind' that really touched me-just becuase I was able to picture everything that was going on. 'The Winter Ghosts' again, had great imagery. 'Birdsong' made me cry and I love love love 'the red tent' that moved me because it was about women and how strong they really are.

Ooh and 'the beach' by Neville Shute-just so sad

What a wimp I am!

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Innocent Traitor by Alison Weir - it is a novel based around the life of Lady Jane Grey (historically factual but dialogue etc obviously fictional!)


Absolutely brilliant book and so well written that I was begging for her not to be beheaded at the end. The final pages were so moving they made me cry.


Also the memoirs of Christabel Bielenberg - The Past is Myself. Christabel was an Englishwoman who married a German Lawyer before the war and she lived through the war in Germany as a German citizen. It is one of the few books I have kept and I re-read it every few years.

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