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Laterally thinking.....

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You are driving in a two seater car and it's throwing it down with rain. You pass a bus stop and notice three people.


1. An old friend who once saved your life.


2. The man/woman of your dreams


3. An elderly lady who desperatly needs to go to hospital.


What do you do so "Ooops, word censored!"ody misses out? (bearing in mind you only have one spare seat to offer)



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Here's my take on it.....


Heartless version: If the old friend is good at saving lives, then he can save the old lady. Me and the dream woman would be off in the car!


Warm-glow version: I choose to take the old lady to hospital. The friend is just glad that he saved the life of a person who is now, in turn, possibly saving a life. The dream woman instantly falls in love with me because of my kindness to the old lady.

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:lol: Like it Sarah!


Lesley was spot on.


You give the car to the life saver, who drops the lady in at the hospital while you get the bus with the man of your dreams (who gives you his coat to warm you up a bit from the cold rain!)



anyone got anymore?


I bet Jem has.....where is he?

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You'll probably know this one, but I'll post it anyway...



A surgeon and son were involved in a car accident. The surgeon was killed outright and the son was taken to hospital. When he arrived in theatre, the surgeon said,


'Oh my God, It's my son'


How can this be?


(I hope I got that right. Please don't groan :roll: , I know it's easy!)

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I felt bad this morning :(


I have a two seater a smart car :D As I was driving my son to school this morning we passed his friend, mum and little brother in the pushchair walking to school.


They could just about stand up in the rain and wind we have today.


All I could do was wave to them as I drove past. They were all soaked through. :cry:


But what could I do I only have two seats. I did feel bad about not being able to offer a lift :!:

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I agree with the others, Mum's a surgeon too :)


My daughter came home with one the other day, from school. It took me ages to get this, but then again I'm a bit slow on things like this- you'll all probably get it straightaway, but here goes...


It's night, in London, and you're pushing your car along the road because the engine's not working. You then approach a hotel, but as you stop outside it the doorman leaps out at you and demands £200 immediately. Why, and where are you?

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Hi Gina (and all others)


I'm here and i'll try to rake the depths of my memory for a couple of these teasers :)


I'm feeling a bit down in the dumps today. I had a flu jab and a pneumo jab on Wednesday and i've had an allergy reaction to the pneumo jab. I've currently got an arm like a balloon which is very red and sore :cry:


Wathch this space... i'll be back :shock:





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:( Hope it clears soon Jem & that you have a healthy & happy winter. :D Most of you prob. know this one, so don't let on, in case anyone else would like to guess...I can give a clue or 2 if nec.

Frankie & Johnnie are lying dead on the floor, surrounded by broken glass & a pool of water. The room is otherwise empty. What happened?

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