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Please Please Please! Can Omlet change its courier company, as I am shocked by its service.

First, they delivered 1 of 2 parcels - but I was'nt there so fair enough.

Then I phone them up to arrange for redelivery, they where so unprofessional, they first say "Madam" to me, and im a MAN, not even an sorry, then in the background, some bloke is swearing his head off, I heard every word.

Anyway, I Arrange delivery for today, and guess what, they dont turn up!!


Sorry to rant, but I am so angry!

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Fred, I don't blame you being angry, I would be too. The service sounds pretty poor and I'm aware that there have been similar complaints about them in the eglu and cubes section.

Can I suggest that you ring up Omlet on Monday morning and complain direct to them. They've been so busy recently that I very much doubt that any of the team have the chance to read the forum, so unless they hear direct from you they might not realise.

That way they can work out how many mistakes/ upset customers Night Freight are responsible for, and may indeed decide to change courires if necessary.

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im sorry you are having a rubbish time, we didnt have all of our stuff delivered first time either - not sure if it was the couriers fault, but the couriers arent really doing themselves a favour really by the negative customer services are they.


sending hugs - they may help a little :)

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I think the reason omlet use nightfreight is that they are the leader in delvering odd sized packages.......


We had a slight problem but to be fair to them it was omlets fault by not talking our adress down correctly......Luckily working from home we get lots of deliveries and the driver recognised our name.......


Do nightfreight have a warehouse with all the items??? Do they pick them or do omlet arrange all the items, as if wrong panels are delivered I cant see how that would be nightfreights fault.........

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Lesley wrote

Oh! &&*&&^&^&&% - I knew I'd heard the name Nightfreight somewhere


We had no problems with our cube delivery. We rang nightfreight in the morning on the day we were expecting delivery and were told the delivery would be around lunch time - all the boxes for the cube arrived in good condition at 10.30.


I realise how infuriating it can be when deliveries don't turn up, are gamaged or parts missing (its happened with other couriers on occasion) but I guess like me all those who have received good service haven't posted. When you take into account the number of deliveries of eglus & cubes that have been made it is a relatively small number that have had a problem - I know thats not much comfort when you feel let down.



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I would pass this on to Omlet if I were you.


Customer service is very high on their agenda & I am sure they would want to know if anyone had been mucked about by a Courier who was delivering on their behalf.......as a business owner I know I would :?

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I was wondering if its a depot thats at fault.....Our local one is goole and they where really good, we called about 6 times :oops::oops::oops: to make sure everything was alright.........


Be interesting to know if everyone who has had problems lives in a similar area (ive not looked)........

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Hi Fred,


Omlets courier have had a bit of a pasting on here and rightly so in some cases.


James from from Omlet posted a thread on here explaining their choice of couriers and encouraging feedback.


I can't find at the mo, Mods any Idea where that thread now is?



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Couperman wrote

James from from Omlet posted a thread on here explaining their choice of couriers and encouraging feedback.


I can't find at the mo, Mods any Idea where that thread now is?


It's in the eglu and cubes section. It says to email him direct. :D

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