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camping out?

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It has gotten rather warm here, and stays warm even over night. . .could this be why the girls have started roosting on top of the Eglu? The last few nights I've had to put them to bed. I've left them out later thinking they would eventually go. . .but tonight it was 10:00pm and they still were not in bed. ?


Anyone else deal with this? Is it just the heat? They've never done this until recently. I can't think of anything that has changed.

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Ours quite often sleep out when the weather is warm. The ducks nearly always sleep out.


Just check that there aren't any red mites at the end of the roosting bars - hens will avoid their sleeping areas if they are being bitten at night when they roost :(

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It has been high 90's during the day and mid 70's over night. Definitely not mites as the Eglu is kept very clean and the roosting bars are deep cleaned once a week to avoid that.


We do have 4 dogs, so the yard is sufficiently marked. . .I guess I could just let them roost there if they want. . .I don't think any preditors would try to come into the yard. Really the only thing I would have to worry about would be the occasional raccoon that might be around. (Although I've never seen one in my yard.) But we've got a brook not far from the house and they might prefer frogs and fish to attempting one of my girls who are pretty big at this point.


They are in the house right now. . .snoozing on the kitchen floor. I like to let them rest in the cool in the heat of the day for a bit. I usually water down a couple of their favorite spots so they had cool ground to dig in. And lots of fresh water. . .they don't seem to be bothered too much by the heat.


Well, thanks for the advice. . .I'll keep you updated if anything changes. Their Eglu is not far from my bedroom window. . .I guess I could keep my window open a bit in case I hear anything unusual I could come to their rescue!


Clarisse is giving me an egg a day now. . .very consistently around 10am and always in the nest box. Rosemary has not started yet.

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Hi John,


In the Uk at the moment any chooks roosting on top of the Eglu are trying to avoid the flood water! Fortunately for us we haven't been affected unlike some. I loved the pics of your chooks hope all is well with them! and your good self :D:D





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